Story 18--Stage Fright

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A.N. This would probably be suitable for people who are professional musicians, but there are dreamers so you can totally dream about how awesome of a pianist you are hehehhhh.


(Y/N): Your Name

Footsteps echoed in the quiet hallways as you silently made your way to your favourite place in SFIT--the piano room. You smiled at the memory of requesting a piano practice room and Callaghan did so very easily--a grand piano was purchased, and one of the lab rooms have been transformed into a typical practice room suitable for any musician. You greeted Professor Callaghan halfway and you smiled, and he waved in return.

At last you reached the piano room. Putting your bag of music scores on the chair next to the piano, you positioned your hands on the black and white keys, wondering just what you were going to play. You decided to start off with a short piece, what professional musicians call an etude. You went through the piece quickly, correcting yourself in some parts, and by the time the piece finished, you smiled. You were always fond of the piano since you were a little girl, and now since you were so busy with robotics projects you hardly had time to practice anymore, so you were grateful for Callaghan to do this for you. 

Cracking your knuckles, you pulled out a piece from your bag--a particularly hard waltz written by Chopin--and started to play, unaware that someone was watching you as you performed the piece to yourself. Your fingers just flew expertly over the keys, crisply playing each trill and running through all the fast notes without a single stumble. By the time you were done, you smiled to yourself and exhaled a long breath. That was when you turned around at the door and noticed your best friend, Tadashi, standing outside hearing you play.

"(Y/N). That. Was. Amazing," Tadashi said, applauding you as he entered the room. "Wow."

You gaped. "Um, hey Tadashi. Wait, you were outside for the entire time?"

"I was just taking a break and was walking around when I heard you," Tadashi admitted, removing your bag from the chair and sitting next to you. "I never knew you could play piano so well!"

You grinned and playfully shoved him on the arm. "That was why I requested Callaghan make this room. That's just so I could actually practice. I'm sure some of the other musicians would come here too, right?"

Tadashi shrugged. "I...guess?"

"What's wrong?" you asked.

Tadashi blushed a bit. "Um, since you're still at the bench and stuff, can maybe just do another piece? Like, perform another thing for me?"

You blanched. "Wait. Are you serious?"

"Why not? I have only just known of your musical talents. Might as well listen to it for real this time." Tadashi leaned towards you and smiled. "Please?"

You felt your heart pound. "Tadashi...I have something to say."

"What is it?" Tadashi straightened up with a worried look on his face.

"I...well...I don't normally perform in front of people," you admitted, feeling your chest squeeze tightly in pain. "I remember when I was younger, every time I get to the piano, I made sure no one was in the room before I started playing, because every time my parents show up, I would just leave, scared that they would just criticize me or something. I just can't play in front of them. I get really aware that there were people watching me, and I just couldn't continue. I get scared."

Tadashi's expression didn't change. "You're scared of performing in front of me?" he whispered.

"I didn't mean..."

"It's okay. Look, I'm your best friend. I won't make a sound, I promise." Without a warning he took your hand in his. "I know you can do it. Just one piece for me is all it would take."

You smiled at him. You secretly had a crush on him ever since you entered the school, and now that he knew one of your greatest talents outside of robotics, why not show him? You took a deep breath. "Okay. But if I suck, don't laugh. Or at least just be honest with me."

"Alright then. Start whenever you're ready," Tadashi told you gently, letting go of your hand and leaning back in the chair.

Mentally you went through some more of your repertoire and settled on a slow Chopin nocturne (or whatever you felt like playing if you think I put too much Chopin in this story). Taking another deep breath, you began to play the familiar notes on the keyboard, feeling yourself tense up just a little bit in the beginning but soon relaxing into the piece. You were very aware of Tadashi, but soon he melted away in the background, and so did the rest of your surroundings. It felt as if you were back in your living room again, simply practicing for your own enjoyment as your fingers glided along the keyboard. At long last, you reach the end of the piece, and the last chord you played just rang in your ears for a very long time. You didn't release the pedal until much later, when you felt that it went for too long, and you put your hand down in your lap.

For a while, neither of you spoke. You didn't look at Tadashi, but he stared in awe at you. The entire time he just sat there, speechless, as you performed for him without another worry in your eyes.

"(Y/N) did it," Tadashi whispered.

You turned to him. "What did I do?"

"You overcame your stage fright," Tadashi smiled.

Your eyes widened. "Did you like it?"

"I loved it!" Tadashi cried. "I don't care about your mistakes whatsoever. I think you did an amazing job." He scooted over to sit with you on the bench and gave you a big hug, and you returned it wholeheartedly, almost toppling over at the imbalance.

"Hey, do you want to do one more?" he asked. "I just want to record it and probably set it as my new ringtone."

You blushed harder. "Tadashi, are you serious?"

"Why not? You can do the same piece again, or pick a new piece. It's entirely up to you."

Smiling at the request, you decided on doing the same piece again, and ran your fingers along the familiar keys again. This time you were unaware of the larger crowd outside the piano room, talking in low voices. By the time you reached the last chord again, Tadashi scooted over to you again, took your face in his hand, and kissed you.

Whoa...feeling that you might as well just enjoy the moment since this was what you have hoped for, you wrapped your arms around him, one hand up the back of his head, the other resting on his back. Tadashi simply pulled you closer, and in the heat of the moment all your fears of performing anything in front of anyone faded away.


"Okay, I'm out!"

You turned to see your best friends outside the practice room witnessing everything.

"Give us a bit of peace here?" you called jokingly, laughing.

"Oh whoops, we totally interrupted that," Gogo told the rest of the group, grinning. "Let's just go."

Then they left as you just embraced Tadashi again. "Thank you so much."

"Anything for you, (Y/N)," he murmured into your ear. "Anything."

Sorry this is rushed! It might go into editing mode tomorrow. NIght guys!


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