Story 32--Fishy secrets (1)

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(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

(H/C): Hair Colour

(A.N. this is my first actual other!you x Tadashi one-shot so don't judge if it isn't perfect!)

You had a secret.

Well, it's more or less like a really interesting yet horrifying thing that was ever bestowed on you since you were born, and you never really understood it. Somehow, whenever you entered the ocean, or any water surface at would sprout a fish's tail. And you enjoyed every moment in the water without regret, sometimes staying for long hours in the water swimming along with the fish and taming dolphins and sharks.

That's right. You were a mermaid in water, and a typical human on land.

But for years, you were scared of spilling your secret to others. Whenever your friends invited you to join them on the beach, you would either turn them down, or you would join them but only on the sand. You even turned down pool parties. Then one day your secret was spilled while you were a student at SFIT, as a working hydro-technology student.

And it started like this...


"Sup, (Y/N)?" Fred asked you lazily while you were working on an interesting device for Callaghan one day.

"Hey Fred," you answered coolly. You swung your (H/C) hair back to see the rest of your friends enter your lab, but your eyes honed in on Tadashi, your best friend, and you waved at him, smiling.

"Hi (Y/N)," Tadashi greeted you with a small smile.

You smiled back. Dang, he can impress so many people so easily. You felt your heart pound hard, but you masked it well.

"Hey, we were all discussing on having a get-together kind of thing," Fred told you. "So we had the idea of, you know, having a pool party at my mansion. Care to join us?"

You froze. "Wait, what?"

"Pool party!" Tadashi clarified. "You know, we all hang around in the swimming pool and stuff. Come on, (Y/N)! It would be fun."

"Um..." you stammered, feeling your face turn red in panic. You weren't sure how everyone would react to your secret. You hid it from everyone for so long now that any moment if they see your tail you knew they would freak out.

"What's wrong?" Fred asked. "Did I say something wrong?"

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Honey Lemon asked.

"Oh, just spill what happened already," Gogo pushed you.

You just shook your head. No way were they to learn about you! What would you be if they found out?

"Excuse me," you muttered, exiting your lab without even bothering to lock it up. You ran right out of the school and headed over to the beach, your hair flying behind you. Little did you know that Tadashi was following you.

Panting, you finally reached the beach, approaching the waves that lapped over your shoes. You felt really calm here, like any moment you would break free with a single dive in the water.

"(Y/N)! WAIT!"

You turned in horror to see Tadashi running after you.

"(Y/N), what's wrong? Why did you run away like that?"

You turned to him. "Look, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but there's a secret that I have been forced to hide since I was born, and...I'm sorry, I just can't tell you."

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