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I'm gonna go cheese on this one again! Totally having a "Lady and the Tramp" moment! And yeah I know it's been done quite a bit but still...let's kick things up a notch. Also because I ran out of ideas again. Sorry guys.


(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

"How do you know he loves you? How do you know he's yours?" 

You were singing as you were working on your latest project--a belt that could eject a strong suspension cord to the ceiling so that you could swing on it like a vine. Music from your earbuds rang through your ears and you just kept singing along with the soundtrack as you went along perfecting the invention here and there.

"Well does he take you out dancing just so he can hold you close?"

Little did you know that by this point, your best friend Tadashi just walked by and heard your singing.

"Dedicate a song with words meant just for you-ooh-ooh-ooh?

Tadashi stopped just outside and smiled to himself, thinking of a way to distract you.

"He'll find his own way to tell you, with the little things he'll do."

Suddenly, Tadashi entered and sang along with you.

"That's how you know, that's how you know he's your love."

Startled, you jumped up from your chair and turned to see Tadashi standing in the middle of your lab.

"Hey Tadashi. What's up?"

"Not much," he replied. "Just heard you singing. Thought I'd join you."

You smiled as you unplugged your ear buds from your phone, and the music rang out loud and clear. You quickly reset the song so that it started from the beginning, and soon you two got into the groove of the song, singing and dancing. By the time you were done, you ended up in Tadashi's arms in a slight dip, and you giggled. He let you go, and you dusted yourself off, laughing.

"That was so much fun!" you cried, spinning around, and Tadashi laughed as well.

"Yeah, for sure," he smiled. Then he cleared his throat.

"Listen (Y/N)," he said, " you have time tonight? Like, free time?"

You picked your phone up and put it in your backpack. "Yeah. What's up?"

Tadashi immediately turned a shade of red. "Do to have dinner together? I know this really fancy Italian restaurant we can go to. That is to say, um...if you like Italian."

"I LOVE ITALIAN!" you cried (A.N. Sorry if you don't.). "Of course I'll go. I wouldn't turn down Italian food for the world!"

"Sounds good, then," Tadashi grinned. "So I'll pick you up from your place at 6 tonight?"

You glanced at the clock in your lab. It was already 4:30.

"Sure!" You smiled and gave Tadashi a quick hug. "See you tonight!"

With that, you grabbed your coat and bag and exited the lab, not bothering to clear up. Tadashi chuckled as he stayed behind in your lab, carefully putting your blueprints and invention on your desk and your tools away in your toolbox. What he didn't expect was for Gogo to show up.

"So. You asked her."

Tadashi jumped to see Gogo right behind him, and he nodded frantically. 

"Hey. No need to be so shocked." Gogo put a hand on Tadashi's shoulder reassuringly. "You've liked her for a while now. Just go for it. Confess to her when you get the confidence." She then smirked at him before she turned away. "Woman up."

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