Story 64--Tugging At my Heartstrings (4)

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Admit it, who's getting ramped up on my proposed novel?? :) Heheh, well, you gotta be patient. I still have exams and stuff, but I might be able to begin publishing that in the new year. So, in the winter or so. I'm not sure yet, it's temporary. But hey, once I promise something, I never ever break that promise. EVER.


Anywho, so without further ado, here's part 4 of the story. Might be the final part? I don't know yet.


(Y/N): Your name

With a callbacks ticket in hand and more acceptances to follow, you soon found yourself being mentored now in preparation for the semi-finals by one of the judges, whose name turned out to be Jeanette. As you worked with her now on yet another song, "Flashlight" by Jessie J, Jeanette seemed to be really encouraged by your powerful story and voice soaring in the small practice room.

"Amazing job, as always, (Y/N)," Jeanette complimented you, making you smile. "Now as this is a more gentle song as opposed to the other songs you sang, so don't go too harshly. Though again, you're really good at adapting to the different genres we are throwing at you."

To this, you just nodded. "Okay. Yeah, I understand," you replied, recalling the first time you unintentionally sang for Tadashi and his compliments that followed. Was it true that you had that haunting quality in your voice? Somehow you wanted to push that away, but maybe it could give you an advantage.

"Alright," Jeanette smiled gently. "You feel ready for the semis?"

You nodded. "More than ever now."

"That's great to hear." She nodded and then got up, signalling you to do the same as well. "Alright, so just rest up, and don't strain your voice, alright?" 

You nodded, and the left the room with a wave and smile to Hiro, Tadashi, and Aunt Cass all waiting outside. 

"Hey (Y/N)!" Hiro greeted you with a tight embrace that made you giggle.

"Aww, Hiro! Did you really have to beat me to it?" Tadashi pouted, making everyone laugh at his strange antics.

"Tadashi!" you quickly cried, opening your arm to include Tadashi in the group hug. "How have you all been?"

Hiro smirked as you all let go and started heading out of the studio. "He wouldn't stop daydreaming all day!" he reported, jabbing teasingly at Tadashi who was blushing hard. 

This intrigued you. "Well, that sounds very interesting," you added with a smirk, gently nudging Tadashi also, who laughed shakily. "Anyway," you continued, "I'm singing 'Flashlight' for the semi-finals. Jeanette asked me not to use my guitar this time--there will be a live band this time."

"A live band? (Y/N), you're not scared about that, aren't you?" Tadashi asked, reaching his hand out to lace his fingers with yours. This immediately set both of your heartbeats to double the speed, but you still managed to take a deep breath before answering.

"Well...I've never performed without my guitar before," you admitted, looking down and blushing. "It's like, I'll never be able to bring another part of me with me onstage. But the good thing is, I'm working more on my confidence without my guitar. Jeanette said I'm improving, so that's something I can work with."

"The semifinals are tomorrow, right?" Hiro clarified, and you nodded.

"Oh! Thank god!" Aunt Cass managed to breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw you nod. "I actually got tickets for the semifinals! They're going to be held at San Fransokyo Performing Centre, right?"

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