Story 48--Taddy Thumb

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(Y/N): Your Name

"Man, am I out of shape!"

You exited the robotics lab at SFIT to see your best friends--Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Gogo, Fred, and Hiro--already sitting at the courtyard talking quietly amongst themselves, heads bowed. This was new to you. What was it that they were so concerned about that worried them?

The answer already got to your mind before you formed the question on your lips.

"What's going on?" you asked slowly, feeling your tongue betray you at the last word.

"(Y/N),, we need to talk," Honey Lemon said slowly, pulling you aside as she got up, wobbling a bit on her heels. This made you raise an eyebrow--rarely was she so unstable.

"Is it Tadashi?" you asked, feeling your throat get dry. Out of all the friends you cared about, Tadashi had been your best friend since the very beginning...well, by that, I mean since you got to SFIT, and naturally, being two students pursuing the same major, you got to know him and hang out with him. At times you felt so attached to him that you sometimes wondered whether you were falling for him, but at other times your heart didn't pound so hard. Now, however, you felt adrenaline rush through your entire body as you started to wonder exactly what happened.

"Well, um, you see, it would be hard to explain," Wasabi piped up, looking down at his grilled cheese sandwich. "Okay, so, the thing know how I finished making a shrink ray, like Fred always demanded for from me?"

"I didn't demand for the shrink ray!" Fred protested. "I just asked if it was science!"

"Anyway," Gogo continued, "after the completion, not too long after we had a small accident."

"Small accident?!" You were suddenly impatient, feeling yourself bounce on the balls of your feet in worry, thinking that if you didn't get to him soon you'd break down. You didn't even know what happened with Wasabi's shrink ray--last you checked the lab, an invention was smashed into smithereens.

"Let's just explain," Wasabi said slowly.


"Hey guys!" Tadashi and Hiro both entered the lab that morning with cheery goofy grins on their faces.

"Hey," Wasabi greeted, raising a hand as he finished the final details on the ray. "Oh finally, I'm done!"

"What's this?" Hiro asked in fascination as Tadashi put down his bag.

"A shrink ray," Fred mused. "It's got to be."

Gogo, who was still working on her bike in the opposite corner, groaned. "Fred, when will you ever get your head wrapped around the fact that such things as shrink rays DON'T EXIST! They only happen in what, sci fi movies?"

Wasabi chuckled. "Actually Gogo, Fred's right."

A shock looked remained plastered on Gogo's face for a good five seconds before she huffed and went back to her bike. "Stupid bike won't go fast enough," she muttered.

"How long did this take you?" Tadashi asked in fascination. "Wow. I mean, look at this."

"Glad you like it, Tadashi," Wasabi beamed proudly. "Took me a couple months planning out the blueprints and actually constructing the machine! But hey, now Fred's wish can come true."

Fred jumped for joy as he marveled Wasabi's work. "I love it! It's amazing! It blew my mind!"

Tadashi laughed.

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