Story 59--Courage to Fight Back

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(Y/N): Your Name

(A.N. Request from BlueChocolate21 super sorry for getting this in so late and stuff!)

"What do you mean, you're cutting off trade with our industry?!"

The sound of your boss's urgent and shocked scream made you turn around and look up from your computer monitor in surprise. You weren't the only one doing that, though. Everyone seemed to have stopped working momentarily, the constant soundtrack of keys tapping coming to an immediate halt.

"You--no! You can't!" Alistair Krei screamed, running out of the office, phone pressed to his ear. "That can't be happening--oh come on!...Oh no, you didn't just--ARRRRRGH goddamn it! He hung up on me!"

Angrily, Krei slammed on the red hang-up button on the phone and looked up in shock at the rest of you mirroring his exact expression.

"What happened, sir?" you asked, just to break the tense silence. As an apprentice to the company, technically you were only starting out on the company, only just picking up with what's happening around the workplace. Krei Tech, you knew, offered a great opportunity for you to continue branching out your love for technology through direct hands-on work, and you couldn't have been more grateful when your father introduced you here in the first place. Being the more practical person, you'd rather get straight to the workplace than continue with your education...which later, you regretted. But for now, you seemed to have enjoyed yourself up until this moment, three weeks into your employment.

Krei turned to every single employee now, standing there staring at him in shock. "Everyone get back to work! This isn't any of your business!" he yelled, in an attempt to regain his business-like attitude. Then he acknowledged you with a nod, though his voice wasn't any gentler when he spoke. "I would like to talk with you alone, (Y/N). Get to my office."

Oh crap. You weren't about to get fired now, weren't you? You dusted off yourself and followed Krei eventually into his office, entering his small stately room.

"You--you're not going to fire me now, aren't you?" you asked him uncertainly, fearing that this would be the end of your career. What would your father say if you got fired and kicked out?

Krei only chuckled at your uncertainty. "No no! Not at all. In fact, I was genuinely surprised you asked." He motioned for you to sit, which you did.

"You want to know what happened, (Y/N)? Let me tell you something important. Krei Tech mostly runs on the motive to innovate people with the tech we put forth to the world, and our job is to take in inventions and make them marketable to everyone. But recently, everyone has been spreading rumours about us, and it's making us lose our reputation! I just lost ties with a famous worldwide university from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada!" he finally screamed. "THE tech hub of the country up north, and they thought we were completely irresponsible with their students' inventions!"

"You mean...oh. The engineering students," you finally realized. "It's the University of Waterloo, right?"

"Yes, (Y/N)! We're losing co-op students from them!" Krei cried in frustration. "And with that, we lose another connection! It's like...a curse, (Y/N)! A CURSE!"

Krei brought his fist down on the desk with such a loud BANG that you barely had time to react. He slammed his fist down, and you jumped in that exact same instant.

"Rumours! Lies! All spread out from those students!" he screamed. "I can't believe it! Everyone listens to them, and now they broke off with us! We're losing our reputation!"

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