Story 31--A Single Braid

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(Y/N): Your Name

(H/C): Hair Colour

(A.N. This might go into edit mode since it's written in a rush again!)

"Ow ow ow," you muttered as you entered SFIT in the early morning, tugging hard on your long (H/C) hair in an attempt to remove the tangles and knots in them and wincing as they tugged on your scalp. Somehow the night before you tangled your hair up in your sleep, and when you woke up you didn't have the time to restyle your hair at all. You desperately needed to finish that project due the very next day, and you were very far behind in it.

Staggering to your lab with your fingers still in your hair, you passed by your best friend, Tadashi's, lab, and you were surprised to see him up and early as well, working on Baymax. You smiled to yourself as you passed by, the memories of your friendship and slowly developing crush with him flowing through your mind like a stream, before you suddenly got distracted and tripped on your own feet, falling flat on your face just outside his lab.

"OW!" you cried as your face made contact with the floor.

What you didn't expect was for Tadashi to run out of the lab and see you on the floor.

"(Y/N)!" he cried, crouching in front of you. "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"Hi," you greeted him flatly, sitting up. "Oh, I'm just here getting to my lab in an attempt to finish my stupid project on time because I am so far behind on it and it is due the next day and I really need to work on it but on the way I just realized that I had a bad hair day but I know I can't do anything about it because I kind of figured I need to use a lot of time to finish that stupid project and so I got here and the wind unfortunately messed with my hair a lot more and so yeah I got in here and passed by your lab while trying to get the stupid knots and tangles out of my hair and then I got distracted and lost my footing and tripped and then yeah you came out and I am talking to you though speaking of which I assume you're still working on Baymax?"

The sudden rush of words made you cover your mouth, but Tadashi only smiled gently.

"Yeah, I just can't seem to get him right!" he groaned, taking off his cap and running a hand through his hair before putting it back on. "It's annoying. But by the look of it, you need help."

"Oh, this?" you asked, holding up your tangled locks with your fingers which were still stuck in your hair. "It's nothing."

"No, you need some serious help with it."

You bit your lip in doubt. "Um, are you a hair stylist by any chance?"

Tadashi chuckled. "Not really, I'll admit it. But I do know a few simple hair styles. Thank Honey Lemon for that."

You laughed as you recalled Honey Lemon going about in different hair styles as she worked in her lab, and the sudden movement made you wince as you tugged on your hair again by accident. "Ow."

"Here," Tadashi said as he reached a hand over to grasp on your wrist, the other hand slowly working through the strands of hair that trapped your fingers. The contact made him shiver--he never touched you before, much less your hair. In that instant he felt sparks fly through his system, but he managed to get your hand out of your hair before he got too distracted.

You smiled. "Thanks."

But Tadashi shook his head. "We're not done yet." He then helped you up and you both entered his lab. "It's about time you get that hair of yours fixed up."

"Tadashi, really," you started.

"No, I'm going to help you with your hair problems if it's the last thing I do," Tadashi said firmly.

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