Story 51--Childish and Foolish

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(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

"Come on come on come on!" Fred cried, bounding excitedly in front of all of you as he lead you and the gang through the town. It was just another typical sunny summer day, with all of you kicking back and chilling over the summer break, but once in a while whenever you could you would all do something absolutely daring and yet so memorable. Each person tried to contribute to this idea, and so far, Honey Lemon had brought you all to the beach and Gogo brought you to an epic Fall Out Boy concert. Now, according to the group, it was Fred's turn this week to come up with something awesome.

You walked with the rest of the group now, Hiro and Honey Lemon in front of you, and Tadashi right beside you. Not that you minded the older Hamada's company. In fact, you kind of enjoyed being with him, ever since you and he met in the lab. Only recently did he become your best friend, after you got acquainted with everyone else, Hiro included. But since then you developed a serious crush. Would he be able to take this lightly if you confessed? Brushing the thought off, you forced a bright smile and tried to enjoy the sunshine that got everyone's spirits up.

"Where the hell are we going, Fred?" Wasabi complained, huffing and puffing as Fred lead you around another junction to another road and down another hill.

Fred just beamed at Wasabi. "Tired already, Wasabi?"

"So much for me spilling wasabi on my shirt," Wasabi muttered under his breath. "Anyway, you still haven't answered my question."

"Oh." Fred chuckled as he turned back to the front. "My parents used to bring me there when I was young. So I thought I'd show you guys where I got all my monsters."

"You collect monsters?" you asked now, giggling. "That explains your huge treasure trove of stuffed monster toys in your room now, doesn't it?"

"You got that right, (Y/N)," Fred beamed, and it wasn't hard to miss the smile in his voice.

"Well, I guess by the sound of it, we're going to a toy emporium?" Tadashi asked innocently, adjusting his cap as you passed by another shop on the street. You caught him looking at his reflection on the glass once in a while, and you couldn't help but wonder...

"You alright, Tadashi?" you asked him quietly.

Tadashi nodded and shyly put an arm around you. "I'm fine. Thanks, (Y/N)."

You smiled back at him as you felt butterflies pick up in your stomach. There was seriously no need for Tadashi to look in the mirror now, is there? He's fine the way he was. Daydreams started to float through your mind, but you managed to shake them out.

"Aaaaaand we're here!" Fred cried. "Voila! The biggest toy emporium in San Fransokyo."

Everyone's eyes widened, and you couldn't help but feel impressed. Even though you were kind of over the age for a brand new stuffed animal, you suddenly felt like a kid again, feeling the urge to just run into the store and grab a teddy bear and goof around or something.

"How in the world did we suddenly end up at this place?" Gogo asked flatly, blowing a bubble and popping it in her mouth. "Fred, you gotta be kidding me."

"Ah, but this is probably the best place for us to feel young again!" Fred assured Gogo. "Believe me, the moment you enter this store, you'll probably just be focused on playing with new toys. Happens to me all the time!"

Hiro beamed at Fred now, though he too looked doubtful. "Um Fred, you know I can also make my own toys too, right? Like my megabot...or something..."

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