Story 20--My Dance for You

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Okay so earlier I said I had no inspiration. Now I'm listening to Jason Derulo and I think I got something. HA. And sorry if it's so long.


(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

(S/F/C): Second Favourite Colour-if you don't have one then black

(H/C): Hair Colour

(Y/F/N): Your friend's name.

(sorry, I don't get to let you choose the dance song!)

Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.

It was the day before the San Fransokyo Dance-off finals, and you were one of the finalists this year, which made you completely hyped. Dressed in a simple black tanktop with blue jeggings on the bottom and a pair of (F/C) converse and a (S/F/C) baseball cap on your head, over a mop of messily tied (H/C) hair, you stretched yourself out in your room.

The finals were to take place tomorrow night on an outdoor stage near the Golden Gate Bridge. You know that plaza very well-you have begged your parents to take you to the plaza every year in the summer to watch the annual dance-off. Then you started to beg them to take you to lessons in hip hop and freestyle and even dubstep and break dance, and now you have worked so hard for this moment. Tomorrow night at the finals, all of the finalists-consisting of 6 of San Fransokyo's best dancers-were to perform your routine for the crowd, and then the crowd gets to vote for their favourite dancer. You have all been given the song-now you were supposed to dance to it.

Exiting your room, you headed outside to your driveway, your laptop and speakers tucked under one arm. You then found the song, which turned out to be "The Other Side" by Jason Derulo, and started to perform your routine. There was an occasional arm roll here, a body dip there, and then you went extreme with your workout, going hard on the floor as you started to spin around on the ground and get back up to perform some tricky foot work. What you were oblivious to was your best friend, Tadashi, walking by to see you dancing your heart out to your newly made routine. He couldn't help but smile and tap his foot to the beat as he watched you.

At long last the song finished, and you finally struck your final pose for a while before you felt someone stare at you. Turning around, you saw him.

"Hey Tadashi," you smiled, breathless as you crossed over and grabbed your water bottle.

"Hey (Y/N)," Tadashi grinned at you. "Practicing for the dance-off finals?"

After a long while in which you gulped down so much water, you closed the cap of the bottle and nodded. "It's tomorrow!" you cried excitedly, bouncing up and down and spun around in a circle, holding the brim of your cap low until you faced him, removing your hand with a jerk of your head to one side.

Tadashi laughed and gave you a high-five. "You did amazing just now! I actually passed by just now and saw you from the middle of the song, and...I'm impressed. I know your parents would be proud."

"My coach is, my parents are, you are, my friends are, your friends are, and I definitely am!" you exhaled. laughing as well, launching yourself into his arms, which surprised him, but he wrapped his arms around you willingly. "I am so excited for tomorrow!" you added enthusiastically.

The both of you have been the best of friends since high school, and you both ended up at SFIT studying different things. While Tadashi chose to study robotics, you chose to major in kinesiology and physics. However, you kept up your love for dancing since you got into SFIT, and having recognized your talent, you chose to sign up for the Dance-off according to Professor Callaghan and Tadashi's wishes. But what you didn't realize that while you trained and auditioned and went through the preliminary rounds to the quarter-finals and through the semi-finals, Tadashi had developed a serious crush for you, but you were engrossed into your dancing to notice.

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