Story 24--Imaginings on the Pier

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(Y/N): Your Name

"What are you thinking about?"

That was exactly what you thought as you saw your best friend, Tadashi, sitting there on the pier late at night one night, leaning forward just a bit with his elbows on his knees, his feet dangling in the air. Looking at him as you were walking past the park near SFIT, simply on a stroll, you couldn't help but feel...concerned.

You swept the hair out of your eyes and wiped your hands on your shorts, ridding your palms of possible sweat building. You honestly wished you looked better, you honestly wished you had prepared yourself for this kind of moment, but sadly you weren't aware that you would see him here.

Tadashi didn't glance once behind him as you made your way to the pier, your sandals making no sound as it made contact with the wood. As you approached him, you couldn't help but feel some doubt in your stomach. You weren't sure exactly what you were going to say to him. True, you two have gotten along at school, to the point where you two were practically flirting with each other, completely at ease with each other by the end of the school term. But since then you two haven't seen each other at all. Tadashi claimed that he had been busy working on a new and innovative project, and you have just been chilling with the rest of your friends, including the ones you left in high school. So why would he be here, when he should have been working on his project?

"Hello?" you called out softly.

Tadashi turned suddenly to see you. "Oh, hey (Y/N)," he greeted you quickly, shocked at how you showed up, just out of the blue.

You remained standing as you asked him, "What are you doing here?"

"Sit," Tadashi told you, patting the space just beside him. 

You did so, taking your phone out of your pocket as you did so and placing it on your other side, your feet also dangling in the air beside Tadashi's as you made yourself comfortable.

"So," you said, choosing your words carefully. "What's up?"

Tadashi sighed. removing his cap for a bit as he ran a hand in his hair--a sign that he was just nervous about something, and you were scared, just a little bit.

"I just came down here to get my mind off of things," Tadashi told you eventually. "You know, with Hiro's bot fighting and stuff like that, sometimes Aunt Cass drives me insane though I love her to bits. And then there's my new project, which I know would take so much time. And then..." he smiled and shrugged, turning away from you. "Well, I...there's something else..."

You sat up a bit straighter, suddenly attentive to him. You never heard him stumble over his words before. "What is it? What is this 'something else'?"

It took a bit of time for Tadashi to calm down before he turned to you and said, "(Y/N), you were always on my mind. I can't stop thinking about you."

You immediately raised your eyebrows questioningly. "Me?" you asked, pointing to yourself.

Tadashi nodded. "Yeah. I just thought it through actually, our entire relationship, our friendship..." he started.

You waited, expecting the worst. You knew that right then and there, Tadashi was just going to ditch you. Clenching your fists, you said, "What about it?"

Tadashi took your fists and rubbed them gently. "Hey, don't get mad at me for anything. I...I'm actually really fond of those memories."

You smiled ruefully, your hands soon releasing themselves from the fists you made. "Same here," you admitted, looking down. Then you turned slowly to the glittering expanse of water in the moonlight, and your eyes widened. You never imagined how peaceful the evening truly was. Above you, a million stars twinkled.

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