Story 41--JUST a Phone?! (1)

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(Y/N): Your name


Your mom was calling for you downstairs one day as she was hurriedly making you breakfast, but you were too busy reading through your favourite novel and listening to some soft classical music from your phone, occasionally texting Tadashi as well whenever he showed up with new messages.

"(Y/N)! Come on! Get out of your room already! You still have to head to school!"

Your eyes lit up when you heard your phone go "ding!" again, and you looked at the message, unaware that your mom was heading up the stairs.

Tadashi: Hey, you free tonight?

You were just about to reply when you heard your mother's heavy footsteps, and you quickly put the phone down, faking reading.

"That's it!" Your mom barged into your room and lunged towards your phone lying innocently on the table right beside the bed and snatched it away. Right in front of your eyes.

Almost instantly you looked up from your book and stared at your mom wildly. "What was that for?!"

"Look at you!" Your mom cried, flinging her hands up and waving them wildly. "Look at you, spending so much time making movie edits for Instagram! I mean, what is the point? Look at your face! Look at your grades! I am not returning your phone to you until you learn to actually behave and LIVE!"

A shocked look was plastered on your face immediately. "GIVE IT BACK!" you shouted, lunging for your phone that was stuck in your mom's fist. But your mom only held it out of reach.

"Nope. No phone for you until you learn."

With that, your mom exited your room, your phone tight in her clutch, and you dropped to the floor, almost crying. It was true-you were stuck in so many editing competitions for the past few days over Instagram that that was what you have been so busy doing-not also to mention texting Tadashi and listening to music. And reading. Surprisingly she doesn't tell you off for reading.

This just makes things so much more unfair.

"ARRRRRRGHHHH!" you screamed, throwing your book across the room, only to hear it smack on the wall and fall on the floor loosely. Feeling the need to vent, you exited your room, your backpack on your shoulder, barreling past your mom and heading off to SFIT without much of a goodbye...or a meal in your stomach.

"Where are you going (Y/N)?" your mom asked you in a matter-of-factly voice.

"Somewhere where you can't taunt me any more than you are now!" you spat back. "Why do you have to be so freaking stubborn? What does it matter that I'm doing edits now as well as keeping up with my studies?"

"If you haven't noticed, your FREAKING GRADES ARE DROPPING!" your mom screeched-so loudly the whole neighbourhood could hear. "And look at the amount of acne you just got on your face! Look at you! Just-argh! I can't even stand seeing you anymore!"

With that, she slammed the door shut with such violence that the sound resonated in your ears, your toes.

"FINE!" you screamed back, taking out the first thing in your bag-a water bottle-and slamming the bottle on the door, HARD. "WHAT DOES IT MATTER IF YOU TAKE AWAY MY ONLY LIBERTY, HUH? AND NO THANKS TO YOU, MY CONVERSATION WITH TADASHI WAS CUT SHORT!"


Wow. That hurt.

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