Story 23--For you

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(Y/N): Your Name

(insert school subject here)--well, I don't know what you want to major in when you get to university, or if you are in university what are you planning on or already studying?

(WARNING: This is my first "lemon"--wait, is that how everyone calls it?--SO PLEASE DON'T FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE, I KNOW I WILL, and I'm sorry if it's not perfect)

Edit 09/09/15: The lemon has been removed. :)

"Come on, (Y/N), please?"

You rolled your eyes at your fiance. "Come on, Tadashi, isn't it a bit too soon?"

The two of you have been engaged for a while now--eight months now, to be exact. You were still finishing your master's degree in (insert school subject here), but all Tadashi ever felt was lust and longing whenever he thought of you. Sure, you two could focus on school work away from each other. But Tadashi's passion for you have just grown stronger, and he couldn't wait for marriage or anything to officially have a child with you.

At present, Tadashi wrapped his arms around you from behind. "We've been engaged for so long, but we haven't had"

You turned to him. "Heated? How can you even think of something like this at this time? I have school to finish, and so do you, you nerd!"

Tadashi released you, his hands up in surrender. "Is school the only thing that stops you from having sex with me?" he inquired.

You nodded. "I am not going to continue studies with a baby growing in me. I won't be able to concentrate. You should know by now how easily distracted I get. Besides, I am so close to the end here. Maybe by the time I finish my degree, we'll do it."

You turned back to your books, and then Tadashi shrugged his shoulders, sighing, putting his hands in his pockets. "Fine. Fine. Have it your way."

Nodding, you focused on your studies again, eager to finish your final project and get your degree.


The day of your graduation came and went, and right after the ceremony you went to confront Tadashi after receiving your diploma and getting all those "congratulations" from others. But you didn't have to find him. Tadashi was the last one to get to you.

"Um, so, yeah, we did it," he stammered out.

Your eyes narrowed. "And?"

Tadashi just smiled as he looked at your beautiful form, turning a fine shade of red. "You know..."

You huffed out a long sigh. "Seriously? You're still thinking about it?"

"Why not? It's been on my mind for the longest time anyway."

You opened your mouth to argue back, but then closed it. Did you love Tadashi? Of course you did. Were you willing to give him everything he ever asked for? Only if it is within your comfort zone. But yet...

"Fine. Tonight. My place. Bring condoms."

Then you left Tadashi standing alone as you headed back with your parents.

"What just happened between you and your fiance?" your dad asked, as the three of you entered the car. "From what I could see, it wasn't going well."

"Tadashi was bugging me about wanting a kid," you explained flatly. "But I don't want one until we're married."

"So why did you say 'tonight, our place'?" your mom asked.

You sighed, exhaling a long breath. "It's about time, anyway. We're done school now."

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