Story 38--Cat Fight

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(Y/N): Your Name

Request by @Totalfangirl1234...I did a twist though

"MOM!" you cried upon waking up one morning, searching your backpack for your report card. However, it was nowhere to be seen. You didn't want to show it to your mom, but somehow, she found it while you were asleep the night before. "Where's my SFIT report card?"

"Over here with me, sweetie!"


You quickly got dressed and headed downstairs, where your mom was reading the precious document that you didn't want her to see.

"MOM! Give back my report card!" you pleaded. "There's nothing to see, okay?"

"I see high grades," she nodded in approval. "That's something worth seeing."

You literally couldn't stand your mom gushing over your grades. "Mom, just—"

"I was thinking," she interrupted you, holding the report card high out of your reach. "I was thinking, maybe you could get a pet as a result of your hard work this year."

Your arm dropped as you heard the news. "Mom, are you serious?"

"I'm serious!" She beamed at you now, giving you a big big hug. "You can get whatever you want! You can get a dog, a cat, a goldfish, a hamster, whatever you like—the only catch is that it's your complete responsibility."

You nodded. "Don't worry. I'll be extra careful with everything!"

Your mom smiled as she made you your lunch and you wolfed down your breakfast quickly. Running back up the stairs and grabbing your backpack, you shouted, "I might want to get a cat!"

Laughter echoed downstairs as your mom gave a nod of approval. "Alright dear. You can head to the cat emporium after school and get yourself whatever cat you want."

"THANKS!" You dashed out of the house, waving your mom goodbye, and running all the way to SFIT, your feet carrying you as fast as you could.


"This way, miss," the manager said, motioning you to follow him through the emporium after school on the same day. You were surprised that despite the excitement of finally getting a pet, you were able to pay attention in class and work on your projects in the lab like every other normal day. Maybe your mom was right to actually grant you your own pet! It was surprising how you could focus all day and not let the thought of getting your pet actually stray you away. You nodded to yourself, smiling.

"We have a lot of cats over there," he said, pointing to the left where you saw many different cats. "But we have our most recent batch of calicos over there. These cats are definitely something rare in San Fransokyo."

He gestured to a small chamber filled with different puffy calico cats, and your eyes widened. They were so adorable, playing with different coloured balls of yarn and yawning as they curled up to sleep or even lapped up the milk in their own bowl.

"Cute, aren't they?" The manager beamed at you.

"Um...yes," you smiled.

"Shall we move on?" he asked you now. Somehow you figured he was too eager to leave the calicos alone, but you shook your head.

"I would like to take a look at the calicos," you told him. "They are so adorable!"

"Alright then," the manager beamed. "I won't push you. But I'm just going to let you know that the supplies are all over there in the back," he proceeded to tell you, pointing past the chamber of calicos to the back where you saw bowls and cat litters and beds and toys stacked on different racks.

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