Story 13--May I Have This Dance?

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Another cheesy story since well it's almost Valentine's Day. :) I'll upload another separate BIg Hero 6 Valentine's Day story called "A NIght with THE One" later today! :) this was previously published on Instagram and is still under construction, so give me some time :)


(Y/N): Your Name

(F/W/S): Favourite Waltzing Song

(H/C): Hair Colour


A scream of frustration rang in Tadashi's ears as he passed by your lab at SFIT. It was already late in the evening and you two were both staying behind just to work on your projects, and it just so happened that while Tadashi was wandering around the hallways just taking a casual walk, he passed by your lab on the other end of the hall and somehow heard you scream.

Curiosity overtook him as he knocked on your door of your lab.

"Come in," he heard you bitterly say.

Tadashi entered the lab, his eyes widening at the mess. Papers were flying all over the place, wires were poking out of your drawer, blueprints were rolled up messily on your desk, pencils were broken and thrown carelessly in the trash. But his eyes honed in on you, your (H/C) hair completely messed up and ruined, your eyes puffy and red, and your fists balled.

"What happened, (Y/N)?' he asked you gently.

"STUPID, STUPID ASSIGNMENT IS KEEPING ME UP ALL DAY AND NIGHT TO NO END!" you screamed. "AND YOU DON'T KNOW HOW LEFT OUT I FEEL, NOT BEING ABLE TO HANG OUT WITH YOU OR YOUR FRIENDS..." you stopped for breath, and felt a wave of pain crash through you. "...and I'm sorry."

You expected Tadashi to walk away right now, right then. Instead, he started pickng up a couple papers that fluttered to the floor, helping you clean up your lab space until it was spotless.

"Wow..." you sighed in awe. "i never really realized how messy my work space has been."

Tadashi chuckled. "You know, I think you need just a bit of a break. I can tell you've been stressing out just a bit too much. Come on. Let's just take a small breatk together, and then you can go back to work." He held out a hand for you.

Your eyes narrowed. "Just don't get me into trouble, okay?"

"Relax! There's no one here to tell us off for trouble. Now come with me."

Reluctantly, you took his hand and stood up, and then he lead you outside in the cool spring air. You then realized just how dark the sky became.

A dark blue sky with a few twinkling stars greeted your eyes as Tadashi kept pulling you towards the nearby cherry blossom fields. The flowers looked so much better at night with their palest pink petals against the evening sky, and you smiled.

"Tadashi, this is amazing," you breathed. "I never realized pretty everything looks at night."

"I guess I brought you here at the right time then," he said, putting an arm around your waist. "Glad you like it, (Y/N)."

You sighed contently, leaning your head on Tadashi's chest as the both of you walked through the cherry blossom orchard until you reached somewhere near the middle of it. Then Tadashi let go of you and you stumbled just a bit, surprised at the quick removal of support.

"Hey!" you protested.

But Tadashi just laughed as he picked up a fallen cherry blossom branch, stuck it in the breast pocket of his cardigan, and extended a hand to you. "May I have this dance?"

You laughed, and the sound of your beautiful voice sent chills and thrills down Tadashi's spine.

"With no music?" you asked in surprise.

"Oh, I have music alright," he said, pulling out his phone and flipping through his songs until he found a slow tune for you, (F/W/S). The music started to ring loud and clear through his phone and you closed your eyes, breathing in the smell of cherry blossoms in the spring air.

"I love this tune," you said, opening your eyes to see Tadashi standing close to you.

"Then let's just dance to it," he decided, putitng a hand on your waist and holding your hand while you automatically put your other hand on his shoulder.

Tadashi smiled as he started to lead the waltzing, pulling you back and forth with him. One two three, one two three, one two three. You started to smile as you trusted him, feeling completely at ease in his arms. Then he started twirling you around and holding you in a dip, and then you changed stances, with your back to him, moving along with him. And then there was the occasional "lifting you up in the air" trick as he spun you around in the air for a short time before letting you down and twirling around on the grass before you resumed the usual one two three routine.

All the while you were smiling as he lead you through. You have never really been a good dancer, but he made it so easy for you that every movement he did, you trusted him to the point where you didn't have to worry about stepping on his feet. At last, when the music started to end, Tadashi lifted you up and spun you around again for the last time in the air, you holding onto his neck and laughing. Then the last chord struck, he put you down, and let you spin for a bit before he finally pulled you close to him, your faces just inches apart now.

"You feeling a lot better now, (Y/N)?" Tadashi whispered to you.

You nodded, and you swore you were blushing hard now, the heat rising in your cheeks.

"I never expected to have dancing take away all my worries," you finally admitted. "I guess you just made my evening the best one yet."

"Then I suppose we should dance when you're stressed," he teased you.

You sighed in slight exasperation. "Come here," you said, a hand snaking through his soft black hair, pulling him closer to you until the two of you were kissing passionately, his arm around your waist again, his other hand playing with your messy hair. You felt nothing but complete peace, feeling at ease with your boyfriend, as the petals began to rain down on you.

After what felt like eternity, you two pulled apart, and Tadashi gave you a final kiss on the cheek.

"Come on," he finally said, putting an arm around you. "It's about time you finished that assignment."

"Care to join me?" you asked him. "Not that I'm forcing you to stay...that is, if you want to."

"There's no one else I'd rather spend my late hours with than you," Tadashi confessed, his eyes sparkling. "Now let's go."

And the two of you walked back to your lab, completely at peace.


I'll admit it when I say that I want to have a moonlit dance outside sometime. How romantic does that sound? I mean, it's weird, obviously, but how sweet?

I know it's kind of short, but let's jst make it short. I was meant to make this be a series of short stories anyway, not long novel chapters.

But anyway, yippee, it's 2 days till Valentine's!

Catch with you all later! Stay tuned for my Valentine's Day special coming up! :)


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