Story 22--"I am Baymax"

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(Y/N): Your Name

(Y/C/N): Your child's name

"Look mom! A butterfly!"

You smiled as your five-year-old son/daughter (Y/C/N) started to chase around a beautiful white and green butterfly  through the park on a sunny day, your husband sitting right beside you on the park bench with a grin on his face.

"I can't believe how fast our son/daughter is growing up," Tadashi marveled, taking your hand gently. You turned to him and smiled.

"I know!" you sighed in awe. Then you nudged him. "Hey Tadashi, don't you think (Y/C/N) reminds us of someone...familiar?"

Tadashi looked at you with a glimmer in his eyes. "I think I know exactly who you mean."

You finally managed to get up from the bench and catch up with your son/daughter, taking him/her around the waist and spinning him/her around in the air, and he/she shrieked in pleasure.

"Mom!" (Y/C/N) smiled cheekily from ear to ear. 

"Aww, look at our little (Y/C/N)," Tadashi said, grinning as he started to tickle him/her. 

"Dad! That tickles!" (Y/C/N) squealed, and you smiled.

"Hey (Y/C/N)," you spoke, "do you want to see something cool? Your father built it when he was younger."

(Y/C/N) looked at Tadashi intently. "What did you build, daddy?"

Tadashi smiled gently. "It's a surprise."

(Y/C/N) jumped up and down in excitement. "What is it, daddy? Tell me! Tell me!!"

"We'll tell you," you piped up. "But first, we'll show you. Come on, (Y/C/N). Let's go visit your uncle Hiro, okay?"

"Okay," (Y/C/N) bobbed his/her head, and he/she skipped along in front of you and Tadashi, who laughed and took your hand as you all headed to SFIT.


You glanced over at (Y/C/N), who stared at the robotics department building with wide eyes the moment you got there. "Daddy, you went here? And this is where uncle Hiro teaches?" (Y/C/N) turned to you and Tadashi, smiling like he/she had just gotten his/her favourite flavour of ice cream in a huge tub. "I wanna go here! This is so cool!"

Tadashi smiled encouragingly at his child. "I know you're going to make it! One day, I'll teach you everything you need to know."

"I can't wait!" 

You turned to Tadashi, smirking. "Very different from Hiro."

Tadashi laughed. "Don't encourage him/her."

"Can we get in?" (Y/C/N) begged.

You laughed. "Let's go in! Uncle Hiro should be done teaching by now."

So the three of you entered the school, and you arrived at Hiro's office. He has replaced Professor Callaghan as head of Robotics after Callaghan's retirement, and Hiro happily took on the role. You smiled, remembering the younger Hamada's previous bot-fighting desire, and how that all changed the moment Tadashi showed him the Robotics lab. This was also where you and Tadashi first met...ah, the memories. 

"(Y/N)! Tadashi!" Hiro cried, the moment he saw you two come into his office. "And you even brought my favourite niece/nephew along!"

"Hello, Uncle Hiro!" (Y/C/N) squealed in excitement, wrapping his/her arms around Hiro. "It's great to see you."

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