Story 43--Which Hamada?

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(Y/N): Your Name

(A.N. This is my first attempt at a Love triangle story, so wish me luck-also it's gonna be a short one)

"If you had to choose someone, between just us two,

Would you choose me, to make me your you?"

This thought Tadashi as he and Hiro rode to the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology on his moped. And this thought Hiro as he sat at the back seat, his hands on Tadashi's shoulders. Flower bouquets were hidden in both boys' backpacks, though neither of them knew of the other's plan.

For several months now, both boys have grown attracted to you since you showed up in San Fransokyo as a new citizen, and a new student who recently entered SFIT. Of course, for love, there must have been friendship. And so that was what they were to you, and you to them-best friends. But soon, you had become so mesmerizing to them that both brothers, without the other knowing, started to compete for you. Give you cards with sweet messages. Pass on bouquets of flowers that you cherished just as equally. Ask you on separate dates that you soon became so occupied with both boys and projects on your plate of life. And every single day after a separate date you would question their strange behaviour, and then debate and deliberate hard-were you ready to choose if you had to?

Speaking of you, you were also on the way to SFIT, simply walking along the sidewalk, a gentle breeze lifting your hair and your spirits as you walked. It was just another cheerful day, and a smile graced your face. You let out a laugh, letting it ring in the morning air, smiling wider as you did so. For what is the point of living when you're not happy enough to do so?

Suddenly, as you reached the courtyard, something collided into you, and you fell on your back, stunned and slightly angered.

"HEY!" you cried, looking up and backing away as you saw both Hamada brothers on Tadashi's moped, frantically taking off their helmets and running over to your side.

"Sorry, (Y/N)," Tadashi said gently, helping you sit up. "Just lost in my thoughts. Are you okay?"

"Suits you right, Tadashi," Hiro smirked as he chuckled, and you turned to the younger Hamada brother now as he rose a hand and stroked your cheek. "He just doesn't know what he's up to, eh?"

A slight blush rose to your cheeks, and you smiled back at Hiro temporarily. "Well...I don't know. It all depends on the thoughts, right? If they are distracting, then yes, they distract. But if not, it still takes you away from the task at hand." Then you turned to Tadashi and gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm a tough one."

Tadashi laughed as he helped you stand up. "I always believed that."

"You should now," you simply said, shrugging as you turned to help Hiro get up. "Anyway, what brings you two here so early?"

The two brothers both turned beet red as they tried to come up with the best explanation without becoming fools and spilling the secrets they have been hiding for a while now.

"Um..." Hiro glanced off to one side.

"We were just going to-" Tadashi started explaining.

"Finish something!" Hiro finished.

Tadashi nodded frantically. "Yeah! Of course!"

Then both boys started laughing nervously, which made you raise your eyebrows in suspicion.

"Well...alright then," you shrugged. "Care to join me inside?"

Both boys nodded eagerly and they both took your hands-Tadashi took your left, Hiro your right. Smiling, the three of you headed inside SFIT, you completely at ease, the boys completely at unrest. They wanted to get your heart before the other boy did, but should the time come, who would you choose?

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