Story 60--Tugging at my Heartstrings (2)

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Since I have absolutely NO inspiration to continue with requests right now and I don't have any ideas for originals, here's a continuation of my proposed novel. No major spoilers, I swear! Plus, I haven't started the novel yet so don't expect too much just through reading this. :P

"And who is this young lady?" Hiro asked Tadashi, his hands on his hips as Tadashi entered the Lucky Cat Cafe, his arm around you as you held onto your guitar, he with your backpack on his shoulder.

Tadashi stared at his brother, dumbfounded. "Hiro, don't be rude to our guest." He glanced at you uncertainly. "Uh, I mean...yeah, don't be rude to her. She's going to live with us." He then gestured to you. "This is (Y/N). She got thrown out into the streets by her uncle."

To this, Hiro gaped at you, his expression softening as his hands dropped to his sides. "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."

You shrugged. "That's okay. I hear that a lot from other people, and they never mean it."

"I'm serious!" Hiro protested. "I really am sorry. I, uh..." He cleared his throat. "I hope you enjoy it here."

You smiled ruefully at Hiro, eyes welling with tears of gratitude. "Thanks, Hiro," you managed to say, and unbeknownst to you Tadashi glanced at you from the side, only just realizing how beautiful you looked despite the crazy food stains on your shirt, your hair.

Just as those words left your mouth, in walked Aunt Cass with a bag of groceries, her eyes widening when she saw you. "Oh you poor thing!" she cried, running over to you. "Who did this to you?" she asked further, and you giggled at the fact that even though you barely knew her, she was already treating you like a parent.

"Don't worry about it. Just people on the streets who hate my music," you shrugged.

"She was a street musician for a while," Tadashi told her. "I only just picked her up, having heard her for the first time."

"My uncle threw me out," you added. "He hated the idea of me pursuing music."

Aunt Cass's jaw dropped just slightly wider than Hiro's when she heard that. "I'm so sorry to hear that! If you're willing to, you're welcome to stay here!"

"Really? I...oh forget what I thought! Thank you!" you cried. Finally, a shower in waiting for you to be clean again, a cozy room and a warm bed just beckoning you to lay your head down...finally, after so long, you found your way home again.

"No problem! Now get washed up!" Aunt Cass chuckled. "You look pretty dirty for a street musician!"

You only nodded, smiling as you handed your guitar to Tadashi and ran upstairs, only to backtrack because you realized you had nothing to wear. "Tadashi, hand me my backpack please."

Tadashi obliged, and soon you were up the stairs and running to the bathroom, stripping off all your clothes and dumping them in the hamper present before you stood under the shower head for the first time in so long, warm water running over your head. You gave a satisfied sigh and let the water surround you, your body, for a while, before you got the sense to dump some shampoo and conditioner on your hands and massage that through your hair and also apply the body wash to yourself. After that, you reluctantly turned the tap off, the warm feeling already leaving your body, and you wrapped a towel around as you took out your pajamas and headed out.

You soon found yourself in the boys' room--Hiro's and Tadashi's shared bedroom. You could only chuckle at the contrasting settings, for Hiro's side of the room was way more messier than Tadashi's. Smiling, your eyes landed on the guitar that Tadashi must have brought up, and you took it out of its case again, surprised at the condition of it as you held it to the light. The body was completely polished, the strings cleaned as well and glinting in the light fiercely.

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