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Hey guys! So uh, I'm really sorry for not having updated any Tadashi X Reader lately. What with Christmas on the road and exams in the way and other works to update, my life is kinda messy right now and chaotic. But I have a Tadashi X Reader Christmas novella already up called "Like An Angel". Basically it takes ideas from "Tugging at my Heartstrings" from this book, as well as some other Christmas stories and songs that I'm somewhat fond of too. If you want to take a look at it--I already have chapter 1 up--then go ahead! Hopefully I'll use up 10 chapters for this one like I did with my Hiro X Reader novella too, "Past the Pirouettes and the Bets". 

Yeah, so that's all the update I have for today. Sorry if I haven't been in touch with this book lately. 


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