Story 16--Woodland Adventure

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(Y/N): Your name

(Fave flavour): this is an easy one--what's your favourite ice cream flavour??

It was another lazy summer afternoon and neither you nor Tadashi were busy with projects, so you decided to spend a good afternoon together. Your first stop was the Lucky Cat Cafe, where Tadashi told you to meet him. 

"Hey (Y/N)!" Aunt Cass called. 

"Hello Aunt Cass," you smiled at her. 

"I know what you're here for," she grinned and winked at you. "I'll be back."

She then went over to the ice cream station at the back and got you a cone of (Fave flavour) ice cream. "And don't worry, it's on the house."

"Aunt Cass! How did you know?" you gasped in wonder, licking the scoop of ice cream and closing your eyes as the taste entered your tongue blissfully.

"Your boyfriend told her," a voice grumbled. You turned to see the younger Hamada brother holding his megabot.

"Oh hello Hiro," you greeted him, "Aww, don't feel left out. I love you too."

You turned to give Hiro a hug only to see that Tadashi was just behind him.

"He's not left out when he has his bot to keep him company," Tadashi smirked. 

"HEY!" Hiro protested. "Bot fighting is not illegal!"

"But with all your time spent on your bot, you won't be able to get a girl any time soon," you reminded him teasingly.

Hiro let out a huff and retreated back into the apartment.

Tadashi watched you with jealousy as you ate up your ice cream. The moment you were done, the two of you headed out on Tadashi's moped, with your arms around his waist.

"Where are we going, Tadashi?" you yelled as he sped across the block.

"It's a surprise, (Y/N)!" he called back.

You sighed. Anywhere you go with Tadashi always brought new surprises, and you loved that.

Soon, you two reached a forested area. You got off of the moped and took your helmet off, and Tadashi did the same. Replacing his helmet with his hat, he took your hand. "I want to show you my favourite place in the forest. Not one of my friends know about this."

"Wow...really?" you asked him in wonder. "Well then, I'm honoured."

He just smiled at you. Dang, that was the smile that made you melt so much. "Come on."

Hand in hand, Tadashi lead you through the forest. You couldn't shake the feeling that you probably have been been here before. Every rock and tree and creature looked so familiar to you...yet you couldn't place the last time you have been here.

Suddenly you stopped. 

"(Y/N)?" Tadashi looked back at you. "What's wrong?"

You shook your head. "I...I can't shake the feeling that I have been here before. What is the name of this forest?"

"I think it's the Fransokyan Forest," he answered quietly. "It's the home for so many creatures." He soon spotted a small squirrel and smiled at it, kneeling down to see it eye to eye before it scurried away.

Your eyes widened as the fond memories from your childhood started to flow into your brain. "Of course! I remember all those memories...all those times when my parents and I used to come here. I remember, my dad and I would play hide and seek among the trees and my mom would serve us a picnic here. There was this one time, I remember straying too far and I got really scared because I thought a bear or something would eat me alive. Then my father found me crying, and he just brought me back home. Since then, we never came back to these woods."

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