Story 30--Poetic Lover

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(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

(F/P): Favourite Pastry

(F/C/D): Favourite Cold Drink

(A.N. I can't really write poetry. No judging on the following poems that I wrote below. But hey, I'm trying. Though I don't have much interest in poetry.)

It was a beautiful summer day in San Fransokyo. The sun was shining and the birds were singing, and outside SFIT there was one person sitting outside the glistening robotics lab, on top of a very gentle slope overlooking the rest of the city. There was hardly a breeze, yet he didn't mind the sun's heat soaking in his skin. In his hands were a typical 80-page spiral-bound 8.5"x11" notebook filled with lined paper, and an ordinary ballpoint black pen.

Tadashi was spending the last 10 minutes trying to come up with a perfect poem, but he just couldn't find inspiration to do so. Every time he started to write about how peaceful the day is, he would end up scratching out the stanzas because it just felt too empty. Something was missing.

He closed his eyes and laid back on the grass, and an image of you showed up in his mind's eye, sort of like a silhouette. If he really focused, he could see your dazzling smile, the way your (H/C) hair flowed around your shoulders like a beautiful curtain, and he could even hear your laugh ring in his ears.

Dang. How much he loved you ever since you started to show up around the lab. But now it's summer and he greatly regretted not having told you how he felt. He just never had the guts to admit it, for fear that you would run away.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted his thoughts. "Hey."

Tadashi opened his eyes to see you, standing right over him in the flesh. You decided to play yourself cool that day and wear a (F/C) t-shirt and faded denim shorts with a pair of sparkling silver flip flops, your hair now tied in a single side braid over your right shoulder. You flashed a smile at him, and he swore he felt his heart stop.

"Oh, um, haha, hey (Y/N)," Tadashi greeted you shakily, sitting up. Wow Tadashi, what's wrong with you? You're not normally like this around (Y/N)...are you?

You took a seat beside him in the grass and sighed. "What a wonderful day," you remarked. "Perfect for...well...anything, I guess."

Tadashi nodded. "Yeah..."

"Anyway, what are you up to?" you asked him.

"I'm..." Tadashi blushed, unsure of what to say, and he felt the heat creep up to his face. You smiled at him gently.

"Hey, you can tell me anything," you assured him.

He took a shaky breath. "I'm writing a poem," he finally blurted. Well, that did it. He buried his face in his hands, but you just smiled in awe.

"Poetry?" you asked, suddenly interested. "I love poetry! I didn't know you can write."

"Well...I just wanted to try something new," Tadashi admitted. "I mean, it's the summer, we don't have anything to do, so I'm trying to get some inspiration for a new activity rather than focus all the time on robotics and Hiro's troubles. Problem is...just talking about the landscape is too empty."

You smirked playfully at Tadashi and took his pen and notebook from his hands. "It doesn't have to be super deep. Here."

You started to think about how to write the summer day, and soon you wrote something quick on the notebook, and handed it back to Tadashi. His eyes widened when he saw what you wrote.

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