Story 69--Flash of Silver (2)

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(PLEASE read the last part before this one. :) Continuing the request by Xxfox-nerdXx)

Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, and Tadashi was still absolutely worried about you. You were long discharged from the hospital a few days after the incident, but due to the recent events the last time he saw you, he kept his distance from you, and naturally, you did too. But you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't miss him at all. In fact, you were guilty for what you did, yet you couldn't help it whenever you saw the silver flash. That was the last thing you really remembered, and it scared you.

One day, Tadashi was working hard on another of his robotics projects when the door flew open and in came his brother.

"Tadashi, I found out what's going on," Hiro said. "I made Baymax do a few more scans on her. She was shot, right?"

Tadashi nodded. "Yeah. That's how she ended up in the hospital in the first place."

"Well, the person who shot her...the person who shot her put a serum that made her go mad and triggered all of her fearful memories," Hiro reported softly, pulling out a huge scroll of Baymax's observations. "But who would shoot her like this? That's the reason she was in a coma."

Tadashi studied the list first. Then his eyes widened. "Diana..." he growled. He knew you didn't like Diana, that she was always trying to find a way to get your hands off of him. Truth be told, he didn't like her either. She's smart, but her rude behaviour made him think otherwise. If she somehow got his girlfriend to forget about him...then she has to pay.

Suddenly, Hiro's cell phone rang, and his eyes widened as he picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hello, this is Officer Frey from the San Fransokyo Police Department. Is this the leader of Big Hero 6?" a female voice asked.

Hiro nodded. "Yes, it is," he confirmed.

"There has been some commotion going on near the San Fransokyo Mall," she reported. "A robbery has been reported at a jewelry store, and we also suspect someone being held hostage as well."

"A...okay," Hiro nodded. "So at the mall?"

"Yes," she confirmed. "We need this issue resolved. Pronto."

"We're on it," Hiro promised her. "Thank you for telling me." With that, he hung up, and turned to Tadashi.

"Tadashi, I have to go," Hiro said, shaking his head as he turned to leave.

"What? Hiro, I can't let you do this," Tadashi started begging. But Hiro shook his head.

"I have a hunch it's your girlfriend," he said. "And Diana is holding her hostage. We have to stop her. But if you come, (Y/N)'s going to go insane. She'll still think you tried to kill her that night."

", I'm going with you," Tadashi said firmly, clenching his fists and jaw. "I don't care what (Y/N) thinks. If she wants to kill me, I'd rather she kill me than die at Diana's hands."

For a few tense seconds, both brothers glared at each other. Then Hiro sighed.

"Alright. You can come. I'll upgrade you quickly and then we'll get a move on," he eventually relented.

Tadashi grinned as he gave Hiro a big hug. "Thanks, Hiro."

"Any time," Hiro smiled, and together they both ran to find the others.


"Now watch this," Diana snapped at you, holding up a silver pocket watch which she swung in front of you like a pendulum, leaning close to you so that your back was literally against the wall of the back room in the jewelry store. "Watch this closely."

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