Story 67--Dog Owner, Cat Owner (ft. Daniel Henney)

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(Y/N): Your Name

(A.N. I had this idea for a while with Hiro, but after writing that story in my Hiro X Reader one-shots book someone suggested I do it here too, so here you go! I'll get to requests after this.)

The wind stung your face as you made your way home from your exam at SFIT, the sky slowly turning into a deep ultramarine. Lights were beginning to light up the sky, and you smiled at the beauty of the city. Who can't lie? It really is beautiful.

Suddenly, something wet licked your hand, and you yelped as a Golden Labrador leaped up excitedly and barked at you. Hesitantly, you raised your other hand to sweep some of the stray hairs on your forehead and crouch down, reaching out to pet the dog, which she didn't object to.

"Awww! You're so adorable!" you gushed, eventually rubbing the dog's body, which she kind of liked. In fact, she was panting, and her mouth was wide in a smile, which was a good sign.

"Oh! There you are, Mango!" you heard a man's voice call, and you jumped at the sound of your boyfriend's voice speak.

"T-Tadashi?" you asked. "Since when did you own a dog?"

The man laughed as he ran over to you and the dog, Mango. As you looked up at him, you swore he looked like Tadashi, but he wasn't. He looked much older than Tadashi--about 35 years old. His raven black hair was pushed back from his forehead and sticking up on his head, and he just had that boyish look that made you smile so wide you thought he couldn't even compare right now to Tadashi. But you mentally chided yourself. For all you know, Tadashi could be walking by any moment, and to see you with him...

At the moment, though, you only watched as the Tadashi sound-alike and somewhat lookalike petted his pet. "I've had Mango for a while now, actually," the man told you. "And she's been with me throughout a wild ride. So really, I'm thankful to have her. And yeah, she's really friendly. She really seems to like you." Then he turned to his dog. "Is that right, Mango? Hmm?"

Mango barked and licked the man's face in reply, which made you laugh.

"Hey!" the man cried, chuckling as he put Mango down. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself." He held out a hand to you. "I'm Daniel Henney."

You grinned as you shook his hand in return. "I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)," you introduced yourself. "So, uh, what brings you here to San Fransokyo at this time?"

Daniel smiled as he gestured to himself. "I thought I'd be festive tonight. It's Halloween, right?"

"Oh yeah!" You took a good look now at his outfit--typical brown jeans with a green jacket over his grey cardigan, a white San Fransokyo Ninjas t-shirt underneath the latter 2 articles of clothing, and a San Fransokyo Ninjas cap snug on his head. "I see you're dressed up as my boyfriend," you decided to add smugly, smirking.

This took Daniel aback. "Oh...uh, wow, really? That's a coincidence."

The fact that you sound like him doesn't really explain much coincidence, you thought, but you just smiled.

"I'd...uh, agree. Actually, I'm dropping by his place right now. The Lucky Cat Cafe. Not sure if you've been there...but it's a cool place," you decided to finish off without blabbing.

"Sure. I'd love to come by with you," Daniel smiled. "After all, I only just been here a few moments."

"Why--uh, I mean, how--"

"I was just strolling by the city," Daniel assured you. "Trust me, it's nothing serious."

You shrugged offhandedly. "For a second I thought you would say you came from a different universe or something."

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