Story 34--Turn Down for What?!

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(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

Request for @Alintomlinson (the video above is the song she originally requested me to base this story around, but then I made this story take a totally different direction so I hope the original plan didn't backfire)

"I can't believe this," you murmured upon entering the banquet hall for the annual SFIT Semi Formal. You had no date with you, so you opted to stay with your best friends Honey Lemon, Gogo, Fred, and Wasabi. Apparently they asked each other for dates, and left you out, but you didn't know why. Honey Lemon was with Fred, and Gogo was with Wasabi.

"I know, right?!" Honey Lemon squealed as she ran all over the place the moment your tickets were scanned and you could enter. "Oh my god, this place is amazing as always! Have you been here before?"

You shook your head, curtsying as you accepted a glass of mocktail from a passing butler. "I really didn't want to come, but my mom thought I should get some fun in my life. I mean, I've been working on my projects for so long, she thought I was going to get ill if I stay in my lab for way too long."

"She's right," Gogo nodded. "We've barely seen you around."

You smiled sheepishly. "I swear, though, I'm almost done with my projects. It's just..." you sighed exasperatedly. "It's just...I can't get them right."

"You can do it!" Fred cheered you on. "You're a smart cookie, (Y/N). With brains like that, you can figure things out. I know you can."

You smirked. 

"AWWW!" Honey Lemon cried, throwing her arms around Fred. "You're starting to sound like Tadashi."

At the mention of his name, you blushed. You and Tadashi were similar in personality--smart, funny, honest, caring. Honey Lemon and Fred kept claiming that some day you and Tadashi would be together, but what were the odds? You have never even met him yet, since he is so busy. You two couldn't even see each other in the lab--whenever he's working, you have a class, and whenever you're working on something he's in a lecture. Lunch time was also shot since you never stayed in the cafeteria for lunch.

"Honey Lemon, you know I'm such an anti-social kid," you mumbled, and then sighed. "Why am I even here? I don't know anyone!"

"AIIEEE!" Wasabi shrieked, standing in shock as he held an empty goblet of mocktail.

"What's wrong?" you asked, intrigued.

"Spilled my drink," he muttered. "Be right back."

He then dashed off to the bathroom.

You tugged uncertainly on the hem of your (F/C) dress, slightly nervous. "Guys, really, I don't know if I can last the night. It seems like you all already know someone. And...what about me dancing with a bunch of strangers? I'd feel so awkward."

"How could we be so stupid?!" Honey Lemon cried, face-palming herself. "Tadashi is here tonight...oh my god, this is the best opportunity for you to get to meet him!"

"Wait, what?!" you protested, holding your hands up in surrender. "Oh no you don't, Honey Lemon! I don't want to--"

"Oh please," Honey Lemon gushed, taking your hands. "He's like, right over there with some others. Why not take some time to get to know more people? Besides, you know we keep mentioning him and all, so why not you see for yourself if you and Tadashi would be fitting as best friends?"

"Honey Lemon, for the last time, I'm one of the most anti-social people ever!" you yelled. "What if I don't want to make any more friends? I'm fine with you guys, I really am. As for this Tadashi person, oh whatever, right? We don't see each other anyway, so what's the point when I'm just going to forget him in the end?"

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