Story 53--Anything Can Happen

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(Y/N): Your Name

"And that is the last piece of bubble gum, Fred," Gogo said airily, watching with slight disappointment and disapproval as Fred took her last stick of bubble gum out of her pack. It was a typical day at Fred's house, and since school wasn't due to start in a few days you all had some time to hang out together. At this point, you were all playing "Truth or Dare", and Fred is just trying his very best to perform the dare Honey Lemon gave him, which was to successfully blow a bubble out of Gogo's bubble gum and pop it.

"How DO you do it, Miss Bubble Gum Maestra?" poor Fred cried as he chewed his gum with a loud YAK YAK YAK sound with his mouth.

Wasabi held his hands up in the air and cowered. "EUGH! Fred, that's disgusting! Eat with your mouth closed, for hell god's sake!"

You shrugged and lay back on the floor, looking up at Tadashi sitting beside you and looking down at you with a grin. "You think Fred's going to get it this time?"

"Who knows?" Tadashi shrugged back and smiled. "Anything can happen in Truth or Dare."

Just then there came a sudden POP and Fred successfully gobbled up what was left of the popped bubble. "Yeah. Nothing beats a good victory with a blow of the bubble," he said in satisfaction.

To this, you sat up. "How the hell—"

"Hey. I'm not that smart, but I still know how to use my brain," Fred said.

Gogo's eyes were wide in shock as she looked from Fred's chewing jaws to her empty pack of bubble gum. "You owe me a new pack of bubble gum, Fred!" she cried in anger, lashing her hands out in an attempt to strangle Fred.

But Fred seemed to anticipate that. He quickly brought out a new pack of Stride bubble gum, peppermint flavoured. "I come prepared," he muttered.

Gogo snatched the gum away from him and then pulled away. "Fine. Just fine. But if I end up not liking your brand of bubble gum..." She then made a slice with her finger across her throat.

"Okay!" you cried, clapping your hands to relieve the tension. "Hey, um, enough of the Truth or Dare thing. We can't seem to get enough of that without killing each other after every round."

"I agree with (Y/N)," Tadashi said, and you made the unfortunate mistake of looking up to him, for your cheeks suddenly started to burn. "How about we do something a bit more active?"

Honey Lemon's eyes brightened. "I have just the thing!" From her purse she pulled out a standard pink Frisbee, and waved it around in the air. "How about some Frisbee? Not likely we'd kill each other with that, right?"

Wasabi looked like he was going to faint. "Y-y-you don't want to play Frisbee? Like, just typical 'throwing the Frisbee around the ring', or actual Ultimate Frisbee? Or is it like Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Frisbee?"

(A.N. I have played Ultimate x6 Frisbee before, in my first year orientation week in September. Basically there are six teams and there are multiple Frisbees thrown in the air, and we had to catch the Frisbees and throw them to our team captains, but we can't let the other teams get their hands on the Frisbee in our possession. The team captains would be standing in a hoop, and every time a Frisbee lands by the team captain we score a point. Then the Frisbee is thrown back in the arena, and the game continues. In the end, whoever gets the most points wins.)

Honey Lemon laughed. "Where did you get the idea of Ultimate Ultimate--however many Ultimates that would be--Frisbee?"

"I don't know! Couldn't Hiro create like, more robots to join our game?" Wasabi asked in fright. "They'd trample all over me. I know they would."

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