Story 7--Paradise Proposal

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(Y/N): Your name

(H/C): Hair colour

(H/L): Hair Length

I know nothing about proposals. Do not even try to judge.

The waves kept lapping softly at your toes and the sea breeze played with your (H/L) (H/C) hair as you sat on the towel at the beach in the Carribean on a lovely warm evening. You and your friends from San Fransokyo were having an amazing summer getaway during your term off, and so you all end up having a lot of fun at the Carribean. Honey Lemon, Gogo, Wasabi, Fred, Hiro, and Tadashi all joined you, and so far you have all swum with dolphins, ate lots of ice cream, hunted for lots of seashells and sand dollars (yes, there were sand dollars added to your collection thanks to Fred), played on the beaches, attended some summer festivals, and even did some star gazing on the beach at night. But at present you were completely alone. You told everyone that you needed some time away just to gather some thoughts, and that was what you did, sitting on the sand not too far from your beach house, wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, your flip flops laying in the sand not too far from you.

Suddenly, you heard footsteps approach you in the sand. You turned around to see Tadashi walk in your direction, and you couldn't help but stare in awe at just how amazing he looked in a simple t-shirt and swimming shorts. He also had flip flops on, but took them off the moment he got on the sand. The tan was definitely enhancing his handsome appearahce, and the sight of him made you grin.

"Hey (Y/N)," he greeted you. "What brings you here tonight?"

"Hey Tadashi," you greeted back. "Oh. I just wanted a moment to myself for a bit. You know, just some reflection. I barely had the time to actually experience peace and quiet since we got here. As cliche as the idea sounds, I guess it's rare."

Tadashi nodded and sat down on the towel beside you. "It is definitely a nice evening. Not too hot, not too cold."

You sighed. The sunset was indeed beautiful, a wonderful array of colours dazzling in your eyes. The colours against the ocean made the view oh so very much better. Dolphins even at one point leaped up from the waters and made an arc through the sky, right through the setting sun, before diving back in the water with a small splash.

"Don't you just wish that sometimes, in a good moment like this, you could just stop time and live in this moment forever?" you ask Tadashi.

Tadashi didn't say anything for a bit. "I do get that a lot back in my lab. Or any time I'm with you. I just want to freeze myself in the moment of finally, successfully, getting Baymax to function, or simply hanging out with my best friends in the lab. Other times I just want to continue living in the best moments of our relationship." He smiled at you and took your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours and laid them on the towel, in front of you. "You know I'll never stop loving you."

"I know," you whispered, instinctivey leaning your head onto his shoulder and closing your eyes. "Sometimes I feel the same way. I just don't want a good moment like this to end. I wish I can just freeze myself in the moment, and live in it forever. Every single moment I shared with you so far was special. But this...this feels magical."

For a while, the two of you sat again in silence, you enjoying Tadashi's warmth and the waves on your toes and the beautiful view of the sunset.

Tadashi suddenly cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Uh, (Y/N), can I ask you something?"

You nodded. "Sure."

Tadashi took a deep breath and stood up, and you did the same, puzzled. He got into a kneeling position and held one of your hands in both of his. "Um, you know, (Y/N), I really, really love you. We've been dating together for so long, and...I just can't imagine another day in my life without you. You are one amazing, beautiful, honest, smart, caring, energetic, and bright person who lit up my life the first day I met you. And...I would never forget the time we first went out, the time we first kissed, the time we first held hands. There is always a first for everything. And with that said, this is the first time I have ever asked this question, and I hope you would consent." He pulled from the back pocket of his swimming shorts a small velvet box, and opened it up to you. When you saw what was inside, you gasped. It was a perfectly wrought ring, with a pearl in the centre surrounded by mother-of-pearl inlaid in a silver plating.

"(Y/N), will you marry me?" he finally asked.

You quickly glance around first to make sure no one else was there gawking at you, because you were definitely feeling the excitement build inside you. The love of your life, for so many years now, is finally asking for your hand in marriage.

You nodded immediately, head bobbing up and down in excitement. "Yes, Tadashi! Yes!" He lead you into the water and you felt yourself being lifted in the air by Tadashi as he spun you around once, twice, thrice, the sea breeze tickling your skin to the point where you were just laughing like a kid again. Then he set you down, put the ring on your finger, and kissed you with a strong heated passion you thought that the Carribean sun couldn't beat.

However, you failed to see the gang eavesdropping on you two. They clearly knew that Tadashi was going to propose, but you had no idea. So, Honey Lemon filmed the entire moment, up to the point where you two kissed. After the two of you broke apart, you felt eyes staring on you, and you turned.

"Oh..." Hiro muttered. "We're busted."

You weren't mad, however. "Care to help me pick a dress?" you asked teasingly.

"Don't worry!" Honey Lemon came over to you (kicking off her stilettos in the process) and gave you a side hug. "We've got the entire wedding covered. How about we use the remainder of our vacation to plan your perfect wedding, right here on the beach?"

You nodded again, super ecstatic. This vacation was definitely a blast.

Again, sorry for the crappy ending. I'll need to work on that. Ugh.

I'll have the wedding part of the story up soon! So stay tuned. Good night.


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