Story 19--Misunderstood Obsession

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Warning: This goes in a similar direction as "Saviour" with a few minor changes. 


(Y/N): Your Name

Oh gods, you thought, locking your lab up at night. Just look at the time.

You spent another late evening working on another assignment at SFIT, and you clearly do not like going out alone at night. Not when there was someone--some random stranger--so obsessed with you that he had to kidnap you just to do what he desires. You don't even know who he was, which makes it all the more complicated.

Exiting the school, you were greeted by an indigo sky decked with a shower of stars. You stopped and looked up, and made a quick wish.

"Star light, star bright..." you recited to yourself in a whisper. "Please let me head home safely. I've tried so often to do so...and never have I made it home without looking like I have been beat up. Please. Listen to my prayer."

The stars didn't say anything, of course. They just twinkled in the night sky. Pretty sight, but useless. What use is it anymore to wish on a star?

With careful steps, looking around you every minute, you headed down the steps and started to walk home, your backpack still slung on your back.

"Stay safe, (Y/N)!" your parents always warned you. You sighed. You have been trying every method to get home safely, but to no avail. Every evening was the same for you...


Silence enveloped you as you fell deep in thought heading home in the late evening. The sky was dark, the birds were silent, there was nothing except the soft breeze that made your hair float slightly and made the trees rustle their leaves gently. Suddenly, a hand caught hold of you, and a grip as strong as iron circled itself around your waist, making it impossible for you to let go no matter how hard you struggled...

You screamed for help, hoping that there would be an innocent soul out there listening to your cry, but the captor put a gag over you and you were silenced...


You felt yourself being pushed on a bed, and your captor--wearing an oversized hoodie and a soft-shell mask to hide his identity--started to make out with you. You wince at every move he made, but eventually gave in when he started to explore you more. 

"(Y/N)..." the captor whispered between kisses. "Ahh..."

Wait. How could he possibly know your name? At the moment you brushed that question aside as you surrendered to his gentle touch, his soft yet firm lips trained on yours. You wished this was a dream...that the person who did this to you was someone you actually knew...but you know this would never happen if this person was so into you. And with every time you make out, the question imprinted itself deeper into your brain.

"" you thought before the question eventually sunk into the lost depths of unconsciousness.


The next day you would enter SFIT with a bruise on every part of your body. As the days progress, you have a new bruise somewhere else. On the first day, it was your chin. The next day, it was your neck...then your shoulder...the list could go on and on.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Tadashi, your best friend, would ask.

You would shake your head. No way were you going to tell him. 

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