Story 37--Paralyzed by...what?

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(Y/N): Your Name

"What a beautiful day," you thought as you strolled through the busy streets of San Fransokyo to your favourite place in the city, the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. The sun was shining high in the clear azure sky amongst the white wispy clouds, the birds were singing melodiously as they flew through the sky, and the familiar sounds of people bustling around brought a smile to your face.

Busy, but peaceful. This was how you like it.

As the familiar blue glow of the robotics lab reached your eyes, you grinned as you climbed up the stairs and pushed the door open into the long hallway. But suddenly, happiness turned into shock as you realized there were people talking amongst themselves as they looked at a poster on the wall. Or something.

A familiar face stuck out from the crowd—an African man with a strong muscular build and brown dreadlocks. You smiled as you made your way to your best friend Wasabi, who also stood shocked at what he was seeing.

"Wasabi?" You called out for his attention, and Wasabi turned to you.

"Oh hey, (Y/N)," Wasabi greeted you with a smile. "What's up?"

"Let me ask you that question," you replied, gesturing to the whole mass of students piling around and talking to themselves. "Honestly, what is going on?"

"Oh," Wasabi said. "I don't know! I mean, I was just walking down the halls when I saw this. Apparently the rumours are true."

You stood puzzled. "What rumours?"

"You know how we kept mentioning Tadashi Hamada dying in the fire that happened the same night Hiro got accepted?" Wasabi asked you.

You nodded. "Touchy subject. I know Hiro didn't want to talk about his death too much. I mean, I noticed that after I got here, and keep in mind, I got here after Big Hero 6 got rid of Callaghan. I don't even know who Tadashi was, except for the fact that he was your best friend and Hiro's older brother." You then looked back at Wasabi, slightly mortified. "Um. Sorry. What was it you were going to say?"

"That's alright. Well, (Y/N), thing is, Tadashi survived," Wasabi said. "He somehow escaped the fire."

Now you stood shocked. ""

Wasabi shook his head. "I don't know. I didn't read the headlines properly."

You nodded. "Ah. I see."

"Students, please go to your classes!" An announcement on the PA sounded, and you turned your head around in shock as students started to disperse either to classrooms or labs.

"I'll see you later then," Wasabi said to you with a wave.

"Yeah. See you later," you slowly intoned as you departed for your lecture, your feet dragging you now. You couldn't focus all day, even as the professor droned on about your favourite subject. Your mind kept wandering towards the headlines posted on the wall this morning, and in your heart you were already dying to know who Tadashi is.


Locking up your lab for the day near the evening, you finally exited the stuffy building and inhaled deeply. The cool air brushed on your skin lightly, making you sigh in relief as you started heading home. Suddenly, as you turned a corner, a strange sight greeted your eyes.

A man about your age was rolling out of a store in a wheelchair, trying to balance many bags of groceries on his legs. However, as you watched, the pile of bags overbalanced and toppled all over the ground, causing the man to groan.

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