Story 21--A Birthday to Remember

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(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

(S/F/C): Second Favourite Colour

(Y/F/Fruit): Your favourite fruit

"HIRO!" Tadashi screamed at the top of his lungs at his missing little brother. "Where did you put all of the party decor?"

The younger Hamada, Hiro, showed up with all the streamers tangled over Baymax. "I...think we got a little trouble."

Tadashi groaned. "We need to make this perfect for (Y/N) when she arrives! Come on, I thought you knew better than to act like a kid and dress Baymax up in all those streamers!"

Hiro rolled his eyes. "Come on, Tadashi, at least admit Baymax looks a bit festive."

Baymax blinked and nodded. "Decking myself in streamers makes me a better healthcare companion."

"If that doesn't make you feel better, I still have some streamers," Hiro added, holding up a couple more rolls of (F/C) and (S/F/C) streamers for Tadashi.

"Great. Now we just need to decorate the rest of the cafe..." Tadashi glanced at the clock... "in less than an hour."

"I will contact our friends immediately," Baymax stated, and in a flash he called Honey Lemon, Gogo Tomago, Wasabi, and Fred over.

"That. Was. Fast." Tadashi stared in awe at Baymax, who just blinked.

"I am just doing my duty as a healthcare companion," he said.

Within a space of 5 minutes, everyone showed up with their presents for (Y/N) and also their party decorations. Gogo and Honey brought balloons, Fred brought a boombox to play some music, and Wasabi staggered in with all of the presents.

"Hey guys," Gogo greeted them. "You called us, Baymax?"

"Hiro and Tadashi need help," Baymax said. "It is (Y/N)'s birthday today, and we need to surprise her with a party."

"I LOVE SURPRISE PARTIES!" Honey Lemon squealed.

"Okay, tell us what we need to do," Wasabi said, rolling his sleeves up. "I'm prepared."

In a matter of a few moments, the entire cafe was busy. Aunt Cass also pitched in by helping with the cake decorations and party food. As the group worked, Tadashi slowly slipped away to his room. Making sure that no one was watching, he went over to his drawer and pulled out a small black box, which he tucked into his pocket.

"Hey Tadashi?"

Honey Lemon suddenly showed up, and Tadashi quickly stood straight again.

"Oh, hey Honey Lemon," he blushed.

"Is everything alright?" she asked.

Tadashi sighed. He trusted her with all of his secrets, and he hoped she could keep this one from (Y/N). "Honey Lemon, I...okay, this may sound stupid but is it appropriate for me to propose to (Y/N) today? I really cannot wait any longer. We've been together for so long now...and...I really, really want her to be mine...I mean, um..."

Honey Lemon went over to him and put her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure she'll say yes! This would definitely be something she would be least expecting. I mean, heck, who has ever heard of being proposed on their birthday? Not to say it in a bad way, but I suggest you go for it. Do it, Tadashi. Do what's right for you. I'm okay with it."

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