Story 39--He is here.

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(Y/N): Your Name

(A.N. This is the first story I'm writing that happened after the SFIT fire. Don't cry too hard, okay? Also I know this is kind of a Baymax X Reader but it still has mentions of Tadashi, so, don't get too offended)

A week. A week has passed since the fire at SFIT that killed not only your favourite professor but also your boyfriend, Tadashi Hamada.

You attended the funeral, alright. It was a pretty depressing day overall, standing with your friends and Tadashi's little brother, Hiro, as the tombstones were laid in the cemetery. In your heart you knew he would never come back. The happy sunny days from before, when he was always by your side whether in the lab or on a date, were gone. He could have proposed. He could have married. He could have grown old with you. But no. He had to run into that fire. What were the odds of him getting out alive? Second to none.

Why did he have to be so STUPID?!

And to make things worse, you were flunking school after his death. Every single day you entered the school you always felt Tadashi's presence surround you heavily, and that distracts you. You couldn't pay attention in class. You were failing every assignment. Things at home weren't going well either, with your parents bickering every single day about you and your recent behaviour.


And to top it all off, you stayed distant from his best friends. It's funny how quickly they moved on from Tadashi's death. Every time you saw them, you fumed. How could they?! How could they just be so heartless, so unknowing of how much his death has affected you, as his girlfriend?!

You were ready to give up. You were prepared to die and join him if it was the last thing you would do. No one cared. So why bother think about what they would say if you were gone?


On the day you prepared to say your goodbyes forever, you locked the lab up late at night and headed, slowly, to Tadashi's lab. Your footsteps made no noise as you tiptoed silently through the halls, avoiding every professor who tried to talk to you. At last, you reached his unlocked lab and entered it, turning on the light.

Everything was placed as they have been before, as if Tadashi had never left. There was his computer to input formulas for his machines off on one side, there was his desk lamp and many drawers, his monitors, his books, and even Baymax was there. You quietly crossed the room, trying to find anything to remember him by, but decided against it. Why bother keeping something of his? It's just going to hurt you even more. You turned off the light of the lab and headed to the bookshelf, leaning on it, staring out of the window into the starry night.

Suddenly, you felt something shift, and a heavy book fell from the shelf and hit you hard on the head.

"OW!" you cried, rubbing your head as you picked the book up, putting it back on the shelf.

An inflating sound filled your ears, and you quickly turned to see Baymax inflating and focus his small black eyes on you. Feeling the need to reveal yourself to him, you quietly stepped out into the moonlight that shone from the window, and Baymax made his way to you, the squeaking of his feet echoing in the empty lab.

"Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion," Baymax greeted you, waving.

You blinked back tears at the sight of Tadashi's creation, and nodded bitterly. "Hi Baymax," you greeted him quietly. "I am (Y/N)...Tadashi's used-to-be girlfriend." You then glared at him. "Why are you here anyway? All that happened was a book hit me on the head."

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