Story 4--Skating Trip

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(Y/N): Your Name

(Y/F/S): Your favourite song

(school subject): Insert whatever school subject you want!


Oh, and the video above was the song I was thinking of as I wrote this before. So don't get too offended if this isn't your jam. :)

"Hey (Y/N)!" Aunt Cass chirped as you arrived at the Lucky Cat Café on a beautiful Saturday morning, skates slung on your shoulder.

"Hi Aunt Cass!" you waved to her as you entered. "I smell some awesome food!"

Aunt Cass enveloped you in a hug. "I'll go get the boys. I don't know what's taking them." She exited the cafe, and you sat down on a chair close by the window.

"Hiro! Tadashi!" you heard Aunt Cass call up the stairs. "What is taking you guys so long?"

Boy. Is she loud or what?

"Sorry Aunt Cass!" There came loud footsteps bounding down the stairs, and the younger Hamada brother came into view. His hair was messier than ever, but he had his hockey skates slung on his shoulder as well, and he was holding a duffle bag. "Hey (Y/N)!" he greeted you.

"Hello, Hiro," you smiled, coming over to him and ruffling his usual messy hair.

Just then, another set of footsteps came down the stairs and the older Hamada brother, Tadashi, stood before us with his skates on his shoulder. "Hey (Y/N)," he smiled at you, blushing a bit.

You smiled back, getting up and offering him a hug. "Hey Tadashi. Great to see you again!"

Tadashi laughed. "I guess we're all ready, right?"

"You might want to bring this," Aunt Cass told us, handing you a paper bag. "There are some doughnuts in there if you guys are hungry. Don't be gone for too long!" She smiled as she gave each of us a hug. "Have a good time!"

"Thanks Aunt Cass!" you all called back, waving as you exited the shop. As you walked to the ice rink, Hiro stayed in front, while Tadashi and you brought up the rear.

"How's school?" he asked, taking your hand, which was definitely a relief since the cold was getting to you.

"Great," you said. "I just finished my (school subject) midterm exam, and surprisingly it went out alright. I just hope I don't get false hopes and fail it though."

"You're so smart!" he laughed, squeezing your hand. "You're not going to fail. I won't believe it."

"Me neither," you smiled. "If I feel I did well, I may as well did well."

"Exactly," he grinned.

"How about you?" you asked.

"Not too bad myself," he replied. "Just need to study for a medics exam coming up."

"Wow," you murmured in awe. "I guess I'm not the only one worrying about exams."

"There would be lots of time for relaxing in the end," Tadashi smiled. "That's the best part about exams. When the stressful part is over, you can finally relax-for a bit, anyway."

You smirked and playfully shoved him.

After a while, you reached the outdoor ice rink. You gaped at the beautiful sight of the city centre, and it definitely looked like everyone was having a good time. The speakers blared out some of your favourite tunes, and you smiled. "This is perfect!" you exclaimed, smiling.

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