Story 3--"I'm Not Giving Up on You"

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(Y/N): Your Name

(Y/BFF/N): Your best friend's name (I don't want to confuse this with Y/BF/N which was mentioned in the last short)

(School subject): pick a random school subject, any one!

(H/C): Hair Colour

(F/C): Your favourite colour

You were falling behind on homework again. So what? It's not like you're going to fail again. But with each passing day, "procrastinating" was the best word to describe what you were doing. All the while you were looking at YouTube videos and reading Big Hero 6 fanfictions to the point where you were fangirling, up to that moment when you realized that you had an assignment due soon and you hadn't made a lot of headway into it.

That so happened as you were stressing out one day in the library, trying desperately to get your (insert a school subject here) assignment done since it was due in a couple hours. This wasn't like you at all! You were normally on top of homework, but wasting time has taken a toll on you. Soon, there were bags under your eyes, your (H/C) hair became a mess, and you start falling asleep in class.

"This is stupid! What's wrong with me?" You cursed yourself for not finishing the assignment earlier, for putting it off to the last minute. Just what has gotten into you? In complete frustration, you slammed your textbook shut and laid your head on the book, biting your lip, trying not to cry.

"(Y/N), you okay?"

You looked up to see your best friend, (Y/BFF/N), along with another guy that you recognized, Tadashi Hamada, approaching you. You don't know how you know him, but you just did.

"Homework is so frustrating," you muttered, turning away.

"Don't tell me you've procrastinated again," (Y/BFF/N) said.

You nodded your head, ashamed. "I have."

Tadashi glanced at you, and your eyes locked. You two haven't really known each other, but since your best friend introduced him to you, you could assume that he was a friendly guy. Something about him seemed familiar, but you pushed that thought aside. At that moment, he was definitely worried about you.

"What are you working on?" he asked you.

"Oh, just (school subject)," you answered, shrugging. "And I can't get my head around the assignment we had to do. I feel so screwed."

"Don't be," Tadashi said, looking at you intensely with those brown eyes of his. You found the gaze piercing, but you didn't look away. "You can finish this on time. I'm not giving up on you."

You decided to give him a small smile, and then turned to your best friend. "How did you know him?"

"He's in my program," she responded. "He's definitely one interesting genius. And I'm sure you'll like him."

"I like him already," you said, which made Tadashi grin.

For the next couple of hours, you worked hard on your assignment, with Tadashi and (Y/BFF/N) working beside you so that you could get through the assignment well. By the time you were done, you realized that you still had 15 minutes to submit it to your TA.

"Oh geez! Whew!" You wiped your brow, dripped with sweat.

"Man! That was one interesting assignment," your best friend sighed. "I wonder just how you manage to get an assignment like this done so soon."

Tadashi smiled at you both. "Good job, (Y/N)! And thanks for being there, (Y/BFF/N). I really appreciate the support you gave her."

"Any time, Tadashi," (Y/BFF/N) smiled, but then she looked worried. "Oh shoot! I have class right now! I'm already late!" She zipped up her coat and slung her bag on her shoulder. "I'll catch up with you two later!"

You and Tadashi waved farewell as (Y/BFF/N) exited the library.

"So..." Tadashi looked at you. "Do you want to get your assignment in? I can walk you to your TA's office if you like."

"Yup!" you nodded. "And I don't mind a bit of company. Come on!"

Zipping up your coats, you two headed out of the library, only to be greeted by a harsh snowstorm. You couldn't help but notice that Tadashi was shivering violently like a leaf.

"Um, Tadashi? Are you okay?" You asked.

Tadashi shook his head.

You barely know him, but you did the only thing you could do. Seeing that he had no gloves on, you took off one of your mitts and held one of his hands. "Just trying to keep you warm," you explained, massaging his hand with your thumb to get the warmth back into him. You also handed him your (F/C) scarf, which he gratefully put on.

The walk to your TA's office proved to be harder than you thought, since the storm was so heavy that you and Tadashi were blown back and forth just as violently. At one point, Tadashi fell over due to a strong gust of wind, and you pulled him up with a lot of effort.

"(Y/N), I'm cold," he suddenly whimpered.

"I'm not giving up on you," you said through gritted teeth, gripping his hand harder. "Just keep going. We're going to get there soon."

Tadashi nodded, his teeth chattering.

Soon, you reached the office, and the both of you ran to find your TA, who luckily hasn't left yet. You gave her your assignment, and she nodded in approval. "Wow. Done on time. (Y/N), you are one lucky lady today." She smiled at you. "I hope this assignment is done well."

"I hope so too. Thank you!" You smiled back and waved as you left the office with Tadashi.

After battling another strong storm, you luckily didn't have any more classes, so you went with Tadashi to the Lucky Cat Cafe, where he lived. Suddenly, it hit you.

"My mom and I actually go here a lot!" you exclaimed upon arrival. "Wait, did you work here before?"

"Yeah," Tadashi shrugged and shivered. "Tried to pay off for college. But that's not important. Come on."

You entered the cafe, just trailing behind Tadashi.

"Tadashi?" A fairly short woman with wavy brown hair came into view. "Oh dear, you're cold!"

Tadashi nodded. "Hey A-Aunt C-Cass," he managed to say.

Aunt Cass then turned to you. "You must be a new friend of his?"

You nodded. "I'm (Y/N). Pleased to meet you."

"Thank you so much for bringing Tadashi home," she said. Then she turned to her nephew. "I'll get a tub of hot water and a towel for you. Oh, and some hot chocolate."

Moments later, Tadashi was well seated in the living room with his feet in the tub and a towel wrapped around his back, hot chocolate in hand. You sat beside him, also with a hot chocolate in hand.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Tadashi turned to you after a while. "Thanks for not giving up on me in that storm."

"No problem." You gave him a small smile, then reached over and squeezed his hand. "Thanks for not giving up on me when I felt like giving up on my assignment."

"Any time," he whispered, closing his eyes and smiling contently. You also sigh and lean back in the chair, content that you have made a new friend.

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