Story 8--The Lucky one (part 1)

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i'm going to get to the paradise wedding soon. This idea just came into my mind though. Bear with me, okay? There has to be some "heartbreak" moments somewhere. 

Also let's make this a slightly younger reader x slightly younger Tadashi story, since this took place in high school.

And I'm sorry if your name is Brittney or Marlene. If it offends you, let me know. I'll change the names.


(Y/N): your name

(Y/L/N): Your last name

What do you get when you have a bright, bubbly, smart, fun-loving, and enthusiastic girl in the middle of a sea of rough, tough, badass, idiotic bullies? Who would be the one affected?

In this case, it was you. 

You have always been an energetic and bright young girl whose aim was not only to show others just how awesomely smart you are, but just how friendly and outgoing you are. You weren't prepared to betray yourself, however lately no matter how hard you tried, there would always be a group of people who would talk about you behind your back like YOU are the biggest idiot in the world. Throughout your freshman year, you thought everything would change, but sadly, it didn't.

"Hey Brittney, have you seen (Y/N) lately?" you heard a snobby girl, Marlene, whisper to her friend loudly whenever you walked by. "She looks as if she's trying to collect fairies with that charm of hers."

"Such a kid," Brittney would whisper back, and they laughed as they flipped their blonde hair behind their shoulders. 

Or: "Hey Brittney, look at (Y/N)'s hair. It looks like a complete bird's nest. Who would ever want to go near a girl who has hair like that?"

"I know, right?"

You remembered that very day oh so well. You styled your hair in a neat braided crown on your head. However, the two girls still took notice and managed to make your beautiful hairstyle look like a freaky one.

Or even this one: "Hey Brittney, don't you ever get the feeling that (Y/N)'s just showing off just to prove how smart she is? She's such a goody-goody-two-shoes."

"Who can't lie?" Brittney would snort, laughing maniacally.

Every time you heard them make stupid comments like that about you, you would go to the bathroom in shame. You used to have a couple good friends whom you could talk to. However, the popular snobby girls had made the word spread that you were a complete freak, and soon, your best friends left you and joined them. You had no one to talk to, no one to relieve your burdens with.

But one day, all of that changed.


"Watch where you're going, you freak," you heard someone hiss at you and laugh right after on that very day, early in the morning.

You quietly made your way to your locker, in tears. Your resolve to stay strong had completely broken down, and you knew that you couldn't survive another day with these idiots. Someone stuck a foot out right after and you stumbled, falling flat on your face. When you got up, you felt your nose bleed quite profusely, and soon everyone was laughing and snapping pictures of you, to be posted online on social media. Oh, how embarrassing that was. You managed to shut down your social media account due to those hateful comments, but that doesn't stop you from getting the snobby treatment in real life.

You reach your locker and suddenly notice a pale blue sticky note oout from the locker door. You take it off and read it silently.

Hey (Y/N),

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