Story 15--The Lucky One (part 5)

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This is probably the last part!!

Before you could blink, the night of prom had finally arrived. You bought your tickets, got a boutonierre for Tadashi, got yourself an amazing dress (thanks to your friends for picking them out for you), the limo was booked, and soon everything was set.

"(Y/N)? You ready yet?" Your mom was calling up the stairs into your room. "I'm going to style your hair soon."

"Almost done!" You quickly apply the last layer of blush and took a last look in the mirror. You were wearing a long (F/C) strapless dress with a sequined and beaded bodice, and the skirt was lined with ribbons at the hem. Light blush and lip gloss and mascara and eye shadow adorned your face. You literally radiated with true beauty--not even Brittney would criticize you for your poor choices. She's not even going. What do you care, anyway?

"Look at you," your mom breathed as she entered the room to see you twirling around in the mirror. "You look like a princess!"

"Thanks mom," you gushed, going over and giving her a hug.

"Come on, let me curl your hair in the same way," she said, bringing in the curling irons and hair spray. You nodded and let her do the rest of the work. Half an hour later you find your (H/C) hair tumbling down your left shoulder in gentle ringlets, sparkling subtly in the light thanks to your mom's glitter hair spray. She even set in your hair a small clip showered with numerous diamonds that sparkled brilliantly at any angle.

"," you said in awe. "Thank you mom!" You went over and gave her another hug.

Just then, the door bell rang.

"I'll get it," your mom told you, heading out of your room. In that time, you quickly grabbed your clutch (which had your phone, your ticket, cash, and some extra lip gloss) and ran down the stairs in a hurry, almost tripping when you saw who your mom was talking to.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Tadashi waved at you, an evident blush all over his face. Then he couldn't help himself as he screamed out, "YOU'RE SO PRETTY!" and gave you a big hug.

"Heh...hey Tadashi," you finally spoke up after having smiled so wide for so long. "You look quite dashing yourself." Then you slyly smiled. "Dashing Dashi. That sounds pretty good."

You had to admit he did look really dashing. Tadashi was simply wearing a black tux with a (F/C) rose boutonierre that you got for him. His hat was absent from his head, revealing a mass of perfectly styled raven black hair. Your heart pounded so loud in your chest you were sure he could hear it. No wonder he was the most popular kid in your grade!

"Hey!" Tadashi protested, but he grinned. "Oh, and before we forget..." He pulled out a corsage with a white lily on it and put it on your right wrist. "For you."

"Okay guys, let's move on with the photos," your mom said. 

You and Tadashi quickly exited the house and did your photo shoot. A couple moments later, your friends arrived with their dates in the limo that they booked.

"Hey (Y/N)!" they cried, rushing out of the limo to greet you.

You waved at them. "Hey guys!"

Your mom just beamed. "Let's get a group photo then! Everyone say--oh say whatever you want!"

So everyone goofed off for a while during this photo session, and too soon, it was time to go.

"Don't drink, and don't make bad choices," your mom told you as she gave you a tight embrace. "Be back by 1:00 am okay?"

"Okay," you agreed. "Love you."

Then you entered the limo with Tadashi, and the limo took off.


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