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You looked down at Jae-hwa who had a firm grip on your hand as the two of you walked through the park on the way to Blooming Wild.

He had agreed to wanting to be looked at by Jackson and his soulmates, leaving you a little bit offended seeing as how fast he had agreed to it. Jackson had also replied pretty quick, agreeing to watching over Jae-hwa with the others, as you had seen with how many exclamation marks and emojis he had used in the text message.

And you had a small frown the entire time when he had explained how excited he was to be watched over after so long, that when Jae-hwa finally noticed the way your expression was sad, he had clung onto your legs and cuddled you until you were smiling again.

Jae-hwa had also wanted to go see some of the girls before going to Jackson's place so that's why you two were heading to Blooming Wild right now.

With a few more hops, skips, and jumps from the little boy, the two of you arrived right at the front of the shop.

Opening the door and hearing the jingle of the bell, you saw Jeongyeon and Nayeon look up from where they were currently stationed at and smiles slowly appeared from their lips when they see the two of you enter.

Jeongyeon walked in front of the counter and bent down so that she was sort of at Jae-hwa's height, and the boy giggled before running towards her, arms open and as soon as the two were in each other's reach, they both hugged each other. Jae-hwa cheered when Jeongyeon carried him up in her arms, before being placed on the counter.

He watched as she worked her magic with the flower arrangement she was previously working on before you two came in.

As for Nayeon, seeing as how Jeongyeon was busy with Jae-hwa, she gestured for you to come over to her.

You complied and you were also pulled into a bone-crushing hug. Nayeon pinched your cheeks and the two of you started conversing about random things, occasionally with her asking how things were going on between you and your soulmates.

She had to make sure nothing was wrong, and that their youngest baby of the group was happy and content. Although she also knew that there would we bumps along the road, she was also positive that all of you would be able to overcome them.

"I'm not complaining, but what's with the surprise visit today?" Nayeon asked, pausing her actions at the computer and slightly turning to your direction beside her.

"Just wanted to visit. Also because Jae-hwa hadn't seen you guys in a while." You answered, leaning your head on her shoulder and staring blankly at the screen.

"You have another date today don't you?" Jeongyeon's voice was heard from behind the two fo you and the two of you turned around to see Jae-hwa in her arms, with his innocent and bubbly smile.

"How'd you know?"

"Best friends for life instincts," She shrugged. "Also because you keep looking at your phone with a contact that has a green heart."

You rolled your eyes and poked her hip.

"Did you need help watching over Jae-hwa while you go on your date?" Nayeon asked, leaning her head against yours.

You rubbed your neck. "There's already people who's going to watch over Jae-hwa later..."

"Who?" The two asked.

"Jackson, Jaebum and the others."


You flinched slightly from how loud they said it, before nodding.

"Out of everyone you asked them? Do they even know how to handle children? Much less alone a toddler?" Nayeon asked, worriedly sparing a glance at Jae-hwa who was minding his own business and playing with the flower petals in Jeongyeon's flower crown.

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