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As your other two sets of eonnis were talking to your soulmates, you were now at the face painting corner that Mina and you had set up. All you could do was watch from afar, and occasionally biting your lip since you couldn't hear a single thing they were saying to each other.

Due to the fact that a couple of children started to appear, you couldn't look in their direction anymore and instead put your focus on the awaiting children for their face paint.

There were two lines, one for you and one for Mina. There was currently one child each for you to face paint.

Since your shop was a flower shop, the face painting theme was obviously anything that had to do with flowers and basically nature. Forest animals included.

You helped the little girl who looked about four up on the seat. She had chestnut coloured hair with grey eyes, and her cheeks were pink. She was looking at the chalkboard that had the options on what type of face paint she wanted on her face while fiddling with the hem of her baby blue frilly dress.

The little girl looked like she was having trouble choosing, and it seemed like she was worried she was taking too much of your time, so you waved both your hands at the side of your face.

"Don't worry, take your time to choose what you want. It won't be good if you just randomly choose and end up not liking it." You gave her a bright smile when you see her relax.

She then grabbed the pocket of your apron and lightly tugged on it. "Then can you choose for me?"

"You want me to choose?"

She nodded her head shyly, eyes looking back down to her lap.

"I'd be honoured!" You held her hand and lightly squeezed it.

She beamed and she squealed a little as she made herself comfortable, while watching you get ready the paint.

"Close your eyes okay? It'll be a surprise." You peeked over your shoulder to see one of her eyes closed, but the other one slightly opening. When you caught her, she giggled and closed it back.

Smiling to yourself, you grabbed the needed materials and the colours.

After tying your hair into a ponytail, you got started.

Occasionally, she would giggle at the touch of the brush and sponge on her face, but overall she was patient and didn't move much, making it easier for you to finish the art.

Standing straight back up, you placed the paint on the table and the brushes on your front pocket of the apron, while leaving one paint brush secured behind your ear.

"All done!" You watched as she opened her eyes, looking around the shop to see if there was a mirror so she could see the design.

You looked for the hand mirror but realized that Mina had borrowed it for hers, so you pointed to a hanging mirror at the other end of the room where your soulmates and close friends were near.

They were still talking? They're worse than Sana-eonni and the others.

Getting off your chair, you offered to carry her, seeing as how the mirror was elevated and hanging on the wall. The little girl looked at her mom who was at the counter, talking with Nayeon while waiting for her flowers. The mom seemed to notice her daughter's gaze on her and when she saw why, she encouraged for her daughter that it's okay.

Seeing her mom allow her to, she raised her hands slightly up in the air before you carried her and placed her by your hip, while making sure the paint on her face didn't touch anything.

The group who had been talking by the corner noticed that you were walking in their direction and was about to talk to you, but instead, you just waved at them quickly before going past them to get to the mirror.

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