♡ 130K+ Reads Celebration/Q&A ♡

4.4K 102 21

i know not all of you will read this bc it isn't an actual chapter, but oh well ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

hey hey hey !!! 👋👋👋

i was on a hiatus/not as active on Wattpad when this story reached over 130K reads (very grateful for you guys btw, ilysm) and so we couldn't celebrate it :(

(Please have questions for me, otherwise this will be very awkward for a Q&A without questions)

so in commemoration for that milestone you petals have helped me reach, we'll be doing a Q&A !!! so if you have any questions, pls ask away

the questions could range from facts about me that i didn't put on that one chapter about me (pet peeves, hobbies, etc.) to questions about my stories if you have any questions regarding them.

please remain respectful (ik you guys aren't those type of people to be disrespectful, but better to be safe than sorry yk?)

if there are any questions, i'll answer them over the weekend so others have time to ask if they want

that's all for now, and again, STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY PLEASE

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