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Today was a good day.

Well, almost.

It would have been a good day if Bambam and Jackson weren't fooling around so much, when they were supposed to be helping.

Today was the day Sun-hee and your older brother were coming back after working overseas on a business trip. And you wanted to throw them a little surprise party for their hard work and choosing to go overseas to do so.

But, the two former mentioned boys were chasing each other around your house; Jackson with the banner that was supposed to be hung up by now, and Bambam with party streamers in both hands. Both screaming and cheering at one another while Jinyoung, Jaebum and you look at them in distaste.

You felt your eye twitch, anger slowly bubbling up and Jinyoung noticed. He bit the inside of his cheek, and reassuringly placed both hands on your shoulders, massaging them.

Yes, you were a bright and usually cheerful girl. But whenever you got angry, frustrated or anything like that, you try to calm yourself down — though it never works — and all it does is suppress a volcano that's about to erupt.

As if Jaebum read Jinyoung's anxious mind, he immediately went up and grabbed hold of an ear of both Bambam and Jackson.

"Ow, ow, ow." They both complained, trying to free themselves from Jaebum's iron grip on their poor ears.

"Do you want my wrath, or Y/n's?" Jaebum whispered lowly.

The two once hyper boys quieted, and slowly turned to you who stood in front of a Jinyoung massaging your shoulders to try and calm you down, before apologizing. You looked like a ticking time bomb right now and they just knew that if they kept this up, they'd be kicked out of your house.

You made a motion that says 'I'm watching you' and shrugged the hands off your shoulder, before disappearing into the kitchen to use the ingredients you had prepared for their favourite foods.

Jinyoung and Jaebum glared at two of their soulmates who just shrunk themselves, while Youngjae was laughing with his laugh; Mark and Yugyeom were with you in the kitchen, all three of you bustling about and cooking.

Right now, it just became the afternoon, and your brother's flight home would be arriving a little just  past four in the mid afternoon. And you were going to pick them up, so that neither of them had to drive after the long flight.


After finally finish getting everything ready; food neatly arranged at the table, banner that says 'Welcome Home!', with streamers and a few balloons around it.

"Great, we finished on time." You clapped your hands, a smile on your face at the sight of your living room.


All eight of you looked at the bottom of the stairs to see Jae-hwa still clad in the pajamas that was still slightly bigger than him, while rubbing his eyes, hair poking out from having taking a nap before the party.

"Yes, baby?" You walked over, bending down to his height.

"Mama and papa here yet?" He mumbled, yawning in the middle.

"Not yet, but soon. I'll be picking them up later, hmm?" You picked him up and brought him over to the couch, where Bambam was patting his lap.

You placed Jae-hwa on his lap, but the said boy started struggling and clung to your neck, refusing to separate from you.

Bambam mimicked an offended expression before scooting closer to Jinyoung, who in return, wrapped an arm around his shoulders to pull him into a side hug.

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