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You froze, mouth agape with wide eyes as you looked at all of them, their eyes never leaving yours as playfulness appeared in theirs that matched their grins. But you also noticed something else in them.


A part of them actually wanted you to kiss them. And although they hid it with their playfulness so that you wouldn't be pressured into doing it, you still managed to see it.

Not knowing why, you felt something spread out through your body, telling you to go forward and just do it.

Maybe it was because a part of you wanted to kiss them too.

You've never had your first kiss yet and it was obviously because you were waiting to give it to your soulmates. Some people couldn't wait for theirs to come and tried it out on their friends, but it always ended up weird for both of them.

Inside, you were giddy with joy that they were comfortable enough with you to ask for a kiss.

And now that you've met them and known them for almost a month now, you were just waiting for the perfect time for it to happen. To the rest of your soulmates, it seemed like right now was that perfect time. After having just slept over the night for the first time, seeing each other wake up in the morning, and finally being a complete group of soulmates after waiting for so long, well... you understood their feelings completely.

However, just as you took a step forward, all of you heard your phone ring.

You saw their smiles falter slightly but covered it up almost immediately after. Giving them an apologetic smile, you speed walked to the living room and snatched your phone, answering it just before it ended.

"Hello?" You asked, half relieved and half upset from the call.

"Y/n! It's Mina." She said from the other end.

"Hey! What's up?"

"I'm so sorry to ask you this on your off day but could you come in today? Only for a couple hours though. Just until the next shift. Jeongyeon-eonni caught the cold from Momo-eonni when she went to check on her so she can't come for work." Mina sounded really guilty and you could basically see her frowning thanks to the sigh you heard.

"Sure. I'm good with that. Will you be there with me?"

"Yeah. And I'm really really sorry Y/n. I know it's your day off but the others weren't picking up and you know I wouldn't have called if they did. You were my last option so that-"



"Breathe. It's okay, really. I'll be there as soon as I can. But I do have something to ask for."

"Which is...?"

"Can you get me a (f/c/d)? Please and thank you?"

[ (f/c/d) = favourite cold drink ]

You heard a chuckle from her. "Of course maknae. As a thank you."

Thanking her, you ended the call, and went to go tell your soulmates you had to go to work. When you turned around, you saw all seven of their heads peeking from the doorframe, eyes curious and guilty that they have been caught.

You bit your lip, suppressing the smile threatening to show, as you walked over to them.

"Who was it?" Yoongi asked.

"Mina-eonni. I'm picking up a shift for Jeongyeon-eonni who got sick." You replied, your expression mirroring their pouts when they heard that you had to leave.

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