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hey guys, i have no idea how the court works so i'm just winging the process. the punishments i had help from party1party1yeah and i also searched them up. the punishment length isn't actually true bc i made it up myself due to how the world works in this story.

thank you for understanding and i hope you like this awaited chapter!

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Chang Hyunwoo relationships:
- Wife; name unknown, unknown to the public.
- Daughter, name: Chang Haemi, unknown to most of the public, went to school abroad, current age: 19.

Min-jun's eyes scanned the paper over and over again, wishing that what he had just read was false information.

But it wasn't.

That woman had another child. And with the man she had ran away with for that matter.

Min-jun was silently seething with rage, not wanting to fathom the fact that that woman really ran off with another guy who was not her soulmate, and made a new family with him. Doing the short math calculation in his head, if her daughter was 19 right now, that means she was only two years younger than you. She moved on so quickly that she gave birth to another child not long after she abandoned your family.


"They have a daughter together," Min-jun revealed to the three soulmate groups. "And it's confirmed she'll be attending this case."

That was when Jungkook left the room in a hurry, frantically searching for you, in fear that you might encounter her without knowing about her before. He was extremely worried. You continued to show your resolve and determination in trying to bring them down with your anger, but he also knew that you were sad. Still sad and upset and broken about the past.

How would you feel when you find out that the person you once called mama so affectionately didn't care and went to go have another family, raising another daughter with love that should have been aimed at you.

He shook his head and started to run even faster.

But he was too late.


Jungkook stopped at the same corner you had once hid earlier when he cursed lowly after he heard, "... I'm Chang Haemi, Chang Hyunwoo's daughter."

His eyes went to your side, gaze trailing down to your now tightly clenched fists, and just as he was about to step forward, he stopped when one of the guys behind you tugged on the sleeve of your blouse.

"Noona, let's go," The boy with dark red hair said.

You didn't turn to face him, but you nodded, silently thanking Taehyun for snapping you out of it before taking a deep breath to speak to her.

"I won't say it's nice to meet you too, because it's not," You started. "And I won't say my name because you probably know me already, seeing as how you're the daughter of the drunk driver my family and I are suing. Your parents must have been complaining at home ever since we called them to court. I guess they're worried that they were going to lose."

"But that's already a given," You shrugged nonchalantly. "After all, there's no way your parents can win against us."

Haemi's eye twitched, her hand dropping back to her side.

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