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You let out a heavy sigh, wanting to sink further down into the hospital bed.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Jin asked, moving closer to brush the hair that blocked a portion of your face.

"Home. I want to go home," You complained. The days seemed much longer the longer you stayed at the hospital, and the way your hospital room looked empty, with the plain white and splash of blue not looking homey nor comfortable in contrast to your own room back home. "I hate spending another minute here. The room smells too much of the medicine they're making me take and the disinfectant that they use isn't helping either."

Jin looked at you apologetically, wanting so badly to just bring you back home too, so that you'd be back in a place where you're most comfortable. But the doctors had said that you had to stay a bit longer to make sure that your heart and other vitals were stable again.

So the only thing he could do for now was to listen to your words and try his best to make the situation more tolerable.

"I know sweetheart, but you'll be discharged in two days," Jin gently shushed you as you tried to protest even more.

"But two days is too long!" You harshly flopped back down onto the bed, nearly giving Jin a heart attack by your sudden action.

"The others and I will be here to make the days go by quicker okay?" He held up his pinky and you begrudgingly hooked it. "Also when you do get discharged, I'll be making a feast just for you. Heaven knows what kind of food they serve here at the hospital."

Your eyes sparkled at the thought of finally having an actual meal soon. Ever since you had woken up afyer your heart had stopped beating, the doctors had refused in you eating the food your soulmates had brought for you anymore, and you had to rely on the diet they prepared for you.

A smile slowly crept up your face when you imagined the possible different foods that Jin could cook up for you, and although he was trying to get you distracted from having to stay at the hospital longer, it did the opposite. You were now impatient, wanting to go back home to be bale to try Jin's cooking again.

Jin sighed, regretting talking about food when you haven't eaten his cooking in a while.

"Your fault, mister!" You grinned, playing with the blanket covering your legs.

"Yeah, yeah, I see that," he took a seat beside your legs before he took one of your hands and started to play with it. "Well who could blame you though? My cooking is amazing."

You snickered at the last comment, but you didn't say anything knowing that it was the truth. Jin cheekily smiled, shamelessly eyeing your smile and listening to your soft laughter that he hasn't heard in a while.


It's finally been two days, Sun-hee had already been discharged the same day you had woken up from your chosen sleep. Jae-hwa, just like you before with Min-jun, he was unable to go and see you.

Apparently he had started to cry his heart out when he found out he was not permitted to go and see if you were okay.

You felt bad and you had imagined seeing his tear stained face as his big doe eyes shone with tears.

But pushing that thought aside, you would finally be able to see your nephew today, finally being discharged.

You had just gotten out of the bathroom in your room, and instead of the hospital gown, you were now wearing an oversized crew neck sweater paired with leggings, when the door to your room was opened hastily.

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