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The T.V. was playing a random series that you weren't paying any attention to, mind being too occupied at the date that was looming closer and closer every passing day. A blanket was currently wrapped around your body; it wasn't cold or anything, and it wasn't hot. You just wanted the comfort of the blanket right now.

Your mind snapped back to reality when you felt someone take a seat beside you quietly on the couch. Eyes drifting to the side, you locked gazes with Namjoon who was looking at you with a tender expression. It seemed like he had just gotten home from work. There was a glint of concern that flashed his eyes, but he didn't speak, and instead opened his arms.

Without saying anything, you clambered onto his lap, blanket still covering you like a burrito, and he immediately helped, scooping you into his arms and lap with ease. Your head was now burrowed into the crook of his neck, eyes closed and just relishing in the comfort his hug and presence was giving. Namjoon had his cheek resting on the crown of your head, one hand rubbing circles at your hip and the other on your back.

When he felt your body loosen and relax, he was about to put you back on the couch to get snacks for the two of you, only to stop when you took of the blanket and winded your arms around him.

"No," You mumbled.

"Love, I'm just going to get snacks for us to eat," He explained in a soft voice, clearly endeared by the way you were clinging onto him. "I'll be back in less than a minute."

"Stay," You let go of him to look him straight in the eyes, only to look away right after. "Please."

Namjoon's brows furrowed ever so slightly, worry now prominent in his features. He fixed you on his lap so you were straddling him. As he tried to get you to look at him again, you wrapped your arms around his neck so that he wouldn't see your face.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked, hand patting your hair and the other rubbing your upper back.

Namjoon felt you shake your head, but you still wouldn't let him look at you.

"I... I just don't want to be alone right now."

He understood and remained where he was.

Last night, you had went to sleep with Yoongi and Hoseok. Like always whenever you were in your soulmates' presence, you would quickly travel to dreamland and no nightmares would appear. But you didn't know that they had work early in the morning, and you were left alone.

A nightmare had appeared as soon as they left, waking you up. Your hand sought out for either of them out of reflex, but the sides of the bed were empty.

You had went to look for any of your soulmate, not wanting to be alone as your mind continues to replay the scenes in your dream. But the entire house was quiet and when you opened the rooms, the others (Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung) were asleep, busy spooning or being spooned, or also had work in the morning. You didn't want to wake any of them up so you left and went to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth awake, heading downstairs right after to turn on the T.V. for some sort of noise. It didn't work because you didn't even hear Namjoon come back, mind being clouded.

"Why didn't you wake Jimin or someone else up?" He asked and snapped you back to the present again.

"Didn't want to ruin their sleep... they looked peaceful," You replied, voice in a whisper.


"—You say that I'm not being a burden or a bother, but it's hard not to think that I'm not. You guys are already are letting me stay here because of my stupid nightmares, but that doesn't mean I should wake you guys up because of my problem. It feels like I'm only taking and I should at least be able to handle it myself. They're just nightmares. Nightmares should be nothing."

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