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You listened intently as Namjoon explained the reason why they brought you in this specific book cafe.

Namjoon explained how they all met at this very book cafe, 2-3 years ago. Not all at the same time at first though.

First it was him and Jin by bumping into him, dropping his book and spilling the coffee Jin was holding.

Next was Yoongi and Hoseok who bumped head first on each other when Hoseok was rushing out the shop's door. (Hoseok claimed that he had never heard curse words come out of somebody's mouth that fast)

Then Jimin and Taehyung had known each other since elementary so they've already found one of the other seven people they would want to spend the rest of their lives with pretty early. Jungkook apparently was their waiter at the time while they were out on a date in the cafe, and the two could see his arm with the similar flower bud markings on his thin white uniform.

And last but not least, how they all met each other and knew, was when Yoongi and Hoseok was walking by the three's table and caught a quick glimpse of all their arms. Hoseok, the ever extrovert, had pointed out quite loudly to the three who didn't notice them, 'Your soulmarks!' and invited themselves to sit beside them. As they were talking and getting to know each other, Namjoon and Jin approached them after a while of debating with each other if they were their soulmates after hearing Hoseok's outburst, which they were.

The seven talked and got to know each other and had been together ever since. The topic of their conversations whenever they were in this cafe would always vary. From how was their day so far or going, to let's go prank some little kids. But the final topic, on every time they're here, is...

"...'When do you think we'll meet our final soulmate?'" Namjoon finished, all seven pairs of eyes were on you now and you didn't know what to do or say. Basically you didn't know how to react.

A deep shade of red coloured your cheeks, making your face feel hot. Seeing the boys knowing smirks and raised eyebrows made you want to cover your face and hide in a hole. And you did try to cover them but once again, Jin grabbed hold of your wrists and wouldn't let go.

"Nope." Was all he said.

Somehow, the deep shade of red became even darker and you instinctively buried your face onto his chest. It was a habit, basically a reflex that was made due to the girls coddling and embarrassing you. You would hide your face with the closest person near you.

You heard a chorus of quiet coos. Jin's chest vibrated as he laughed and he let go of your wrists to reassuringly rub your back.

"All of you are mean." You mumbled through his shirt.

"We just like to tease sweetheart."

You peeked over your shoulder to glare at Jimin who raised an eyebrow. "How'd you know it was me?!"

"Your voice? Obviously."

That earned laughter from everyone else on the table as Jimin pouted.

Tearing your body away from Jin who silently whined from the loss of contact but didn't notice, you looked at Namjoon. "But why did you bring me here?"

"Because we all wanted to formally introduce ourselves where we all met... to you, our final soulmate. You could kind of say that this book cafe is our safe place outside our homes. And we wanted to show it to you." Namjoon turned his body and propped his elbow on the table to put his chin while looking at you with a dimpled smile.

Awww, that's sweet.

A smile crept up my face.

"So. Why don't you ask us questions to get to know us better? We'll answer." Hoseok beamed at you, once again looking like the sun.

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