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You were sprawled across your bed in a starfish position, staring at the ceiling, completely bored out of your mind, not knowing what to do for the day.

The shop was closed, no classes for the day, somehow you had no homework, you had already cleaned your house yesterday, every one of your girls were busy doing their own thing, you didn't want to bother Yugyeom and his soulmates; knowing that you would just be eight-wheeling them, and as for your soulmates, they had said they were also busy doing their own things, out.

What a great start to my day.

Rolling over so that you were laying on your stomach, your elbows propping your upper body up, you looked at your work table by the corner of your room. You saw unfinished sketches littered across your table, many of them — actually, most of them — were simply rough drafts, after procrastinating and losing the motivation for finishing them.

But now, seeing as how you had nothing to do, you decided to finish your drawings. Or maybe start another one and actually finish it.

Choosing to do the latter option, you changed your pajamas into an outfit that you wouldn't mind getting some art supplies on. Because even though you weren't exactly the best at painting or using other mediums for your sketches, you always experimented with them just for fun. Though pencil was your go-to almost all the time.

Tying up your hair up so that it wouldn't be in your face while you worked, you grabbed multiple pencils, with varying sizes of graphite and types; some were charcoal and coloured. The acrylic and watercolour were already there in two different easels.

But the paint could wait for now, you were going to use pencil first.

Hmmm... what should I draw?

Still not knowing what to draw, you played some  music from your CD player, to calm down. Soon, your hand started to move by itself, and you just followed.

You didn't know how long you have been working on this specific drawing, but when you were finished with it, you gasped and nearly dropped your pencil onto the floor.

Because you had unknowingly drew your soulmates.

Covering your face with your hands, you groaned trying to fight off the blush that was for sure slowly appearing on your cheeks.

You had basically drew them unconsciously because you were thinking about them, and your body had just moved on its own.

Looking at the finished product, you smiled. You knew that you were a great artist, but even then, you couldn't help but feel that paintings, drawings, or sketches wouldn't be able to fully show their beauty.

Laughing to yourself, you shook your head. "Yeah, no. Definitely not showing this to anyone." You stood up, dusting off your hands and clothes, before grabbing your phone, to check for the time. It was a little past 5 o'clock.

You had been drawing for nearly six hours.

You hadn't realized that your ringer was off the whole entire time, and because of that, you had a good amount of unread text messages, and missed calls from your soulmates.

Grimacing, you were about to call the most recent caller, which was Jimin, until you heard the doorbell ringing, and knocks at the door.

Taking your phone with you, you headed down the stairs, and opened the door, to see all seven of your soulmates standing in front of you, with frantic and worried expressions.

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