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You didn't know if the emotions you were feeling were disbelief or anger or sadness, or even fear.

What you did know was that they had hurt you before, and you were sure as hell you wouldn't let them hurt you anymore than that.

Steeling yourself both mentally and physically, you strode over and purposely pushed through the six who had surrounded your soulmates. Everyone's eyes widened at your unusual action but chose to stay silent.

You turned around, facing the six who looked surprised, annoyance flashing in their eyes before putting on a mask of fake friendliness.

"Y/n, is that really you?" One of the girls asked, voice getting higher.

"It is! I was wondering who it was," Another girl said.

"Wow, I didn't know you live around this area," A guy said, looking around before eyeing you up and down, making shivers crawl up your arms and spine.

All seven noticed and Jungkook softly placed his hand on your shoulder before tugging you back by a bit so that you were closer to them and not the six.

"It's been so long," One of the guys suggested. "We should catch up sometime soon!"

The last girl of the group looked past you and landed her eyes on each of your seven soulmates, a fire igniting inside you at how she didn't even bother to hide how she was checking them out.

"And these must be your soulmates," She emphasized the last 's', and you got even angrier. She had been the one who was scrubbing your arm and practically your skin. "Mind introduci—?"

"—I'm sorry, do I know any of you?" You cut her off, jaw clenched and tone so harsh and cold that the seven behind you slightly flinched.

The six in front of you however froze and their jaws slightly dropped. You could tell from their expressions that they weren't expecting that.

"And yes, actually. I do mind introducing my soulmates to you. But, they're their own people, they can introduce themselves so why the hell are you acting like they're not here," You spat and the seven had never seen you act like this. This never happened even with Hyunwoo and Young-mi and even Haemi. "Weren't you already talking to them earlier?"

The seven sided with you immediately.

"It was a one-sided conversation actually," Jin revealed. "They suddenly came up to us even though we have no idea who they are."

"Ever heard of personal space?" Hoseok glared.

"Didn't you see what they were doing?" Jimin interjected. "They clearly don't."

"It's fine," Yoongi brushed it aside, the six in front of you slowly smiling only for it to fall when he finished what he was actually going to say. "We're leaving anyways."

He unlocked the van and all of you started to pile inside, leaving the six dumbfounded.

"Y/n, I thought we used to be friends when—"

"—I had a total of seven friends in junior high, and out of those seven, you six were not a single one of them," You glared ice daggers at them, shutting the door before rolling the window down. "Things are different this time. Try me and you'll find out how."

You mouthed the words 'Fuck off' before rolling the window back up and Yoongi took that as a sign to drive away.

One of them was going to ask what just happened but zipped their lips when you sunk further into your seat, elbow on the side and hand massaging your head.

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