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Jin and you were in a shopping mall, and he led you to a shop filled with all the things you needed for when you baked or cooked.

"What are we doing here?" You asked, trying to peek from the side as he blocked your view from whatever he was looking at.

He lightly pushed your head back so that you wouldn't see anything.

"Colour?" He asked.

"(F/c)," You replied after a minute of thinking.

"Okay, got it. Let's go," He said, taking your hand and heading to the cashier to pay the thing he was holding in his other hand. You tried to look again, but he wrapped his arm around you shoulder, keeping you from going backward or forward too much.

Jin told you to wait for him outside the store and that he'll show you what he bought later.

You reluctantly obeyed, and stood outside the store, looking around as people passed by, and had their own conversations.

However you frowned when you overheard two girls that had walked by whispering — but you could hear them loud and clear — and commenting how handsome the person in the store you were just outside of.

And looking inside, you saw that Jin was the one who they were ogling and blushing at.

You rolled your eyes, and somehow they saw that and caught their attention, making you thin your lips slowly.

Before they could approach you and ask you what that was all about, Jin exited from the store with a pale peach bag in hand.

The girls' eyes lit up and was about to try and go up to him to spark up a conversation, but stopped when Jin walked past them and went straight to you.

He intertwined his hands with yours, his marshmallow cheeks bunching up a bit when he smiled at you. "Finished. Let's go now? We still have to go to our date."

You nodded eagerly, and Jin and you walked away.

Before you got too far though, you subtly turned around to lock eyes with the two girls who were fuming. Giving them an innocent smile, you swung your intertwined hands as they gritted their teeth, and you turned back around just before Jin could notice.

"Where are we going?" You asked, a smile on your face.

"You'll see," He answered, giving no hints whatsoever.


"Welcome!" Jin walked ahead of you and threw his hands out to his sides, as if he was presenting.

"This is where I work and teach lessons for people who want to know how to cook and bake," He took your hand and showed you where everything was

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"This is where I work and teach lessons for people who want to know how to cook and bake," He took your hand and showed you where everything was. From where the specific ingredients were placed, and to how to use the appliances, because they weren't the same ones back home.

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