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Bambam, along with his six soulmates looked at your reflection in the mirror as you continued to stare into your own reflection's eyes, a small crease appearing on your forehead.

You had went back to your house for today, wanting to spend some quality time with your not-biologically older brothers.

Jinyoung watched until the crease turned bigger, making him stride forward and turn you around to face him, poking a finger between your eyebrows until they weren't furrowed anymore.

"Don't do that, you'll get wrinkles before you're even 30," He admonished, arm going around your shoulders to guide you to where the rest of them were sitting. "Besides, you have to look your best when you finally confront them."

"That's right! You have to show them that they don't affect you and that your life is going good!" Jackson nodded.

You bit your bottom lip before hesitantly speaking, "But they have been bothering me..."

Bambam shook his head. "But they don't know that. And they won't ever know because the day after tomorrow, you're going to look and be your best while doing your worst to them."

"And how am I going to do that?" You looked at them with a small, frustrated frown. "I don't- no, I can't even drive myself anywhere anymore, even if it's just to buy groceries. The accident pops out of my head every single time whenever I'm on my way home because the intersection is right in front of my house. And don't even get me started on the nightmares. How am I supposed to 'do my worst' to them when I'm too busy worrying about the worst case scenarios that might happen like in my nightmares?"

The seven gave each other side glances before looking back at you who looked so defeated. Eyes glued to your lap, hands in fists as they crumpled your pants, shoulders low after making a heavy sigh.

Jaebum, who was right to your left, brought you to sit in front of him between his legs before he hugged you from the back, chin on your head, while the others went to the floor and sat there to look at you with sympathetic expressions.

"You're still having nightmares? I thought being around your soulmates made them go away," Yugyeom asked.

"No, the nightmares stopped, although I just had one recently but that was it. It only happened again because they had work early in the morning, and none of us knew it would occur. They don't know either because I just know they'd feel bad and I feel like I've become too dependent on them," You started fiddling with your fingers nervously. "And even though the nightmares have lessened, they still stay in my mind."

The seven of them frowned, not liking how your body seemed to droop with every sentence that left your lips. They've seen you like this twice - now three at this very moment - and it was always the same reason.

Because of her.

Because of that wretched woman, you, the lively, energetic, and the one who tries to look on the positive side of everything, was down and acted as if all hope was lost.

The reason why you tried to always look on the bright side of things was to prove that your life was good, that you didn't need her at all, and that she does not and cannot affect your life in any ways.

But you were so close to giving up; you were angry, upset, and frustrated at yourself, mainly because you felt weak, so weak on how you let a problem like this easily affect you.

Mark quickly leaned forward and clapped his hand real close to your face, bringing you out of the insecurity hole you were digging yourself into before it got even bigger.

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