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‼️Wrote on the platform Wattpad, and can also only be rightfully read in Wattpad‼️
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The seven entered the shop, their eyes falling on the two people on the floor, heart dropping at the sight of you and Dahyun on the floor, her arms wrapped around you protectively.

Just as they were about to rush forward, you started to move and slowly sat up.

The glass shards from the window fell down your clothes and hit the floor, surrounding your body like some sort of barrier. But you paid it no mind and looked to Dahyun who wasn't moving, a cut on the side of her forehead.

You carefully moved her arms away from you before brushing aside the glass shards that still remained on top of her clothes. Slow and careful because your hands were trembling.

"Eonni..." You said, voice wavering, not shaking her because the rock had hit her head, possibly giving her a concussion of some sort. "Eonni, wake up..."

"Dahyun eonni," You tried again, voice a bit louder but still unstable. "Come on, wake up, please... hmm?"

When she still made no sign of waking up, tears started to spring up from your eyes at the same time your chest started to feel heavier, tigher. A memory flashed and your hands flew to your mouth to muffle a short scream.

The six started to come closer, only to stop when Jin blocked their path.

"Wait, slow down," He whispered. "Don't approach her all at the same time."

Meanwhile, as the seven tried to find ways to get to you without startling you, you were starting to have a hard time breathing, feeling like the walls were caving in.

"Y/n! Sun-hee!" You had heard Min-jun yell as he unbuckled his seatbelt and dove forward to shield the two of you, not caring about himself.

And because he had protected you, he was unconscious for a long time.

"Nonononono," You chanted, hands shaking as they tangled into your hair. "No, eonni, wake up, come on, wake up please. Please."

The tears were now pouring from your eyes, and soon, you were hyperventilating before you started to cough, body trembling uncontrollably. One of your hands went to your shirt over your chest, trying to breathe, but nothing was working.

Shutting your eyes tightly, Jin took that chance and cautiously walked forward, the others letting him go alone, and when he saw you start to scratch and pound at your chest. As he got closer, he could see the corner of your eyes were spilling with tears. He knew he had to act quickly or else your state could get worse, and you were still being surrounded by glass shards.

"Y/n..." He treaded carefully.

You flinched and your eyes opened with fear, only to relax just ever so slightly when you made eye contact with Jin.

But you looked to be in disbelief, not believing that he really has in front of you. Especially not after you had cowardly ran away. The agonizing headache wasn't helping either. It hurt so much that it felt like a thousand nails were being pounded onto your skull.

"Are you...?" Your voice was still shaky and filled with unease and fear, gasping for air. "Are you really here?"

"I'm here," He lowered and softened his voice. "I'm really here."

"Jin..?" You repeated, and you saw the blurry figure in front of you nod. "It hurts. I... I can't... I can't breathe."

"I can help. I can help, baby. Listen to my voice, you'll be okay," Jin said, his hands hovering around you but not touching in case it could worsen your state. "Can I touch you? Am I allowed to hold you?"

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