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"I am going to kill this girl."

Sana and you were on shift today to complete a bride's request for her special day. You thought that it would be a regular day where the two of you would wait for each other and leave together. But no.

It was a Friday afternoon and the both of you worked silently on your project of flowers: you making several corsages for the bridesmaids and Sana arranging the bridal bouquet. The shop that you started with your group of nine friends, 'Blooming Wild', was a flower and plants shop and it was a quiet day. When it's a quiet day, the people who are on duty finish their projects early and can relax until there's a customer.

Today was one of those days.

There were a few customers that had come into the shop and their orders were quick and simple, just the occasional bouquet for anniversaries and dates. And the only major thing that you needed to do today was finish this bride's order for her wedding later.

You thought it would be finished pretty quickly since Sana and you were basically aces at that field. You thought wrong.

As you were finishing the last corsage and decided that it was perfect, you turned to Sana to see if she was almost done with the bouquet. You held back a sigh when you see no one at her table and the bouquet half completed.

Gathering the corsages you had finished and carefully putting them together so that your hard work wouldn't go to ruin, you stalked your way towards the empty table to find a pink sticky note.

'So. You must be wondering where your adorable and favourite friend Sana is right now. Well don't worry, that's what this note is for. I gave up on the bouquet. Sorry! But have you seen that bride's request?! I know you'll finish it and make it according to her taste.

~ Love ya, Sana'

(A/N: CALM DOWN. some of the comments have gone way out of hand that i ended up having to add this here; i've already deleted those specific comments btw. call her irresponsible as much as you want, that is fine, but do not call her a b*tch. this is literally only the first chapter and does not fully explain or go into detail the relationship between Y/n and her. that is all.)

It took every sane and calm part of your mind and body to calm down and breathe. No wonder it was quiet and peaceful. You should've known. It was quiet and peaceful. This girl just ditched you and she had the audacity to say 'Love ya'? When you see her again, she better run for her life.

Looking down at the unfinished bouquet, a small smile appeared on your lips. Although Sana did just leave you to finish her work, she did a pretty good job on the part she's done.

You also agreed with her note though. The bride that requested her bridal bouquet had many suggestions. She was very picky on her flowers and kept saying what specific flowers she wanted. You get that it's her day today but her colour for the flower choices she had picked do not match at all! The colours clash with each other and it looked like someone threw up.

Mentally sighing, you got started and picked up where Sana left off. She had arranged white and light pink roses with some peach tulips. As you thought in your mind on how to add the other specific flowers, you did not hear the bell on the door jingling indicating that someone had entered.

After finally getting an idea on what to do, you looked around the shop to look for the different flowers you needed.

That's when you finally noticed a person standing near the front, admiring an arrangement that Momo and you had worked on together.

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