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They watched as the ambulance and paramedics take you three away.

Jin and Jungkook had refused to look when they brought you out of the wreck, because it would give them a more clear view of what you had to endure and experience.

However, they all did look at the driver of the car that had crashed into you, eyes hard, glaring, and unforgiving.

It was a man, who looked like he was around in his very late 30s, wearing a suit — the ones business men would wear — and from their observations, he had sustained less injuries than the three of you.

Anger bubbled up inside them at the sight of the stranger who was clearly the cause of this whole car accident, and yet he was the one not suffering the most. Jaebum and Yoongi had to be held back while some paramedics took him out of his vehicle, wanting to punch and hurt him, so that when he wakes up, he could also be in as much pain as you. If not more.

Jimin was the one who got into the ambulance with you. He held your hand the entire way to the hospital, not caring the least when blood had also stuck unto him. Just the sight of your blood stained clothes, some shards of glass sticking into your skin, face, hair, and clothes ashy and dusty from the rubble, made him want to break out into sobs, but he steeled himself not to. He had to be strong. For you, and for the others.

The others followed suit behind the ambulance, three cars hot on the several ambulances trails.

Just then, Yoongi's phone started to ring. Looking at the caller, he muttered an inaudible curse word before sighing and picking up.

"Hyung?! What happened?!" Namjoon's voice was heard through the speaker of the phone, echoing and filling in the tense and silent atmosphere of the car. Hearing the panic laced in his voice, Yoongi could tell that he had already known what was going on.

Yoongi glanced at Jungkook who was clenching and unclenching his fists on his pants, eyes alert yet at the same time, unfocused. "Yes, it's Y/n."

He heard two other choked gasps, indicating that Taehyung and Hoseok was with him already.

"We'll tell you everything later," Yoongi craned his neck to see that the hospital was in sight. "Yulje Medical Centre. That's where we'll be. And please... drive safe."

Namjoon responded with a grim yes before ending the call. Yoongi sighed and leaned his head back on the car seat, and ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration.

This was not what he thought would happen at all today. He thought it would be a fun day where he could spend more time with his soulmates, joke around with your friends, and have the chance to get closer to your family.

But no. Life just had to throw a curveball.

And he hated how the curveball had to hit you of all people.

They all hated it.


Since Jimin was the one with you on the ride, he was also one of the people who were helping to push the wheeled stretchers to the operating room.

When he saw where they were taking you, his heart stopped.

Was it that serious that you needed to get operated on?

He wanted to follow but the doors closed and some of the hospital staff were leading him to the seats to wait.

As he sat, the same doors he had entered in had burst open to reveal Jackson doing the same thing with the wheeled stretchers, but with Sun-hee on it. And not long after, Mark came in while he pushed the one with Min-jun on it.

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