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The sun's rays of light were peeking through the translucent curtains and kissing your eyelids awake, as if to say 'Good morning'. Blinking to adjust your eyes to the light, you turned to look at the clock. It was 8 AM and Blooming Wild opened at 9 AM.

Groaning, you rolled out of the warm pleasant bed and splashed some water on your face to help fully wake you up.

Going down the stairs, you made your way to the kitchen to prepare toast. It was easy to make so that was your breakfast whenever you had time. Chomping down on the bread, you went to go choose your outfit for the day.

You looked out your window to see the weather was sunny and bright, some clouds here and there to provide a bit of shade. The trees and the grass you could see were swaying to the side, meaning it was windy. Perfect.

Today, you were wearing washed out black skinny jeans with a dark blue cold shoulder top that has spaghetti straps and its sleeves reached down to half way on your bicep. The shirt showcasing 2 and a half of the top flower buds and 2 on the bottom, peeking out behind the sleeve, the rest was covered, including the bloomed Spirea.

If people give you stares because of the marks, you'll just tell them to mind their own business and piss off. It won't be the first time but you didn't care.

Satisfied with your outfit, you brushed and chose to let your wavy (h/l) (h/c) down, not wanting to keep your hair in hair ties and pins that poked and pulled at your scalp. Those hurt like hell.

Looking at the time which was 8:45 AM, you quickly brushed your teeth and sped downstairs and slipped on your comfortable Nike 'Air Huarache' Sneakers.

After you locked the door, you strolled to Blooming Wild. It was a brief walk that took only about 7 minutes, 5 if you ran. There was still enough time before 9 so you chose to admire and look at your surroundings.

Multiple swerved concrete paths throughout the park so that people could walk on and not ruin the unique colourful flower beds. The trees towering over everyone, it's branches and leaves providing a cover for the blinding sun. You always see it on the way to work but it never gets old.

Taking in a deep breath as the wind flew by, pushing your hair back.

A smile rested on your face as you kept walking. Occasionally, some people would give you the same looks of distaste when they spot the marks on your shoulder. When they did though, you returned their expressions with equal distaste, surprising them and some being taken aback that you did the same. What? They act like jerks and they expect me not to react? They're funny.

Speeding up, you finally made it to the shop with 5 minutes left to spare. You unlocked the door and flipped the sign so that when people pass, it says 'Open'.

Making sure that everything was in place and it looked pleasing, you waited for one of your friends to show up. To your surprise, when the clock hit 9, all nine of them bursted through the door with arms wide open. Also with light coloured clothes. Was it a 'Let's all wear light coloured clothes and not tell
Y/n' day?

"There's our baby!" Nayeon who was the closest to you made grabby hands toward you and you complied. As soon as you were within her reach, she wrapped her arms around your neck, hugging you tight. In response, you hugged around her waist. The sweet hug was short lived when others started complaining.

"Hey! We wanna hug her too!"

Soon after, the hug between you and Nayeon became a group hug, with you right in the middle. As much as you loved them, you were suffocating.

"G-guys, I ca-can't breathe!" You were patting someone furiously but you didn't know who because multiple heads were all you saw. Thankfully they let you go and you could breathe properly again.

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